
Search query: massachusetts

The Blood of Tyrants in Nevada
The Blood of Tyrants in Nevada
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”—Thomas Jefferson When he wrote these words to William Stephens Smith in November of 1787, Thomas ...
New Hampshire Independents: Scott Brown’s Best Chance for Victory
New Hampshire Independents: Scott Brown’s Best Chance for Victory
In the GOP’s attempt to retake the Senate in 2014 the way they reclaimed the House 4 years earlier there are already several authentic battleground states from Alaska to Louisiana. New Hampshire is no...
When The Independent Majority Realizes They Are The Majority
When The Independent Majority Realizes They Are The Majority
“I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.”  ~Abraham LincolnThe political scientist Juan Enriquez has observed th...
Bipartisan Policy Center Follows Path of JFK for Greater Unity
Bipartisan Policy Center Follows Path of JFK for Greater Unity
"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer."John F. Kennedy spoke these words in 1958 regarding the political challenges faced in America. Kennedy called for...
Why Citizen-Funded, Independent Campaigns Are Important Now
Why Citizen-Funded, Independent Campaigns Are Important Now
For the past decade we have seen a steady erosion of representative democracy. The modern day arms race among powerful interests, which accelerated when poorly designed campaign finance reform was ove...
Falchuk: Massachusetts Election Reform Bill Won't Improve Voting
Falchuk: Massachusetts Election Reform Bill Won't Improve Voting
Massachusetts election reform bill, HB 3788, is currently being considered by the state House after passing the Senate, 37-1. At this point, the bill offers many reforms to Massachusetts voting w...
Learning to Dance: Making Good Political Leaders and Followers
Learning to Dance: Making Good Political Leaders and Followers
To some, dancing comes naturally and can be self-taught; most of us require lessons. Dancing becomes a lifelong passion for many. Politics, in many ways, is also a dance, and understanding how to part...
Mass. Independent Candidate to Launch 1,000-Mile “Walk for Democracy”
Mass. Independent Candidate to Launch 1,000-Mile “Walk for Democracy”
“Changing the way we think about politics will be a long journey,” says Bruce Skarin, an independent candidate out to challenge incumbent Senator Ed Markey in November. This week, Bruce released detai...
Ailing Economy Needs Independent Solutions to Become Healthy Again
Ailing Economy Needs Independent Solutions to Become Healthy Again
Democratic strategist James Carville may be wrong about a great deal, but he did have it right when he started the popular phrase, “It's the economy, stupid.”The health of the U.S. economy drives the ...
LGBT Equality: The Final Civil Rights Fight
LGBT Equality: The Final Civil Rights Fight
There are many politicians that have come to support gay rights in recent years, but in most cases “support” is a nebulous concept that is more often used as political cover from both sides of a heate...