Will You Answer the Call to Restore Our Republic?

Each generation has its crisis. Past generations had to fight against colonial rule, slavery, and world tyranny. Others had to rally for women’s suffrage and equal civil rights. In each case, the steel of our resolve was questioned, and the people answered every time..
To see it, we must look past the multitude of problems before us, and trace each one to its root. What we find is that at the core of every major issue is a system of corruption. It is a system that has taken us from a republic to an oligarchy in a matter of decades.
We have let ourselves become distracted by the size and scope of the problems we face, but the truth is that none of those problems matter so long as we the people are not in control. We can make as much noise as we want about debt, climate change, health care, jobs, or any other issue, but until we get to the source of the dysfunction, no meaningful change will ever occur.
Unlike some countries, Americans still have the full authority to take their country back in just two elections. The midterm elections in 2014 are an opportunity to blaze the trail for reclaiming the democracy that drives our republic -- so that by 2016, the vast majority is back in the people's control.
Personally, I have decided to continue my against-all-oddscampaign to offer an independent choice here in Massachusetts. Many other ordinary, problem solving-oriented citizens are answering the call as well. In each campaign I have found a common cause, and in each we are fighting against big monied interests and against the grip of an outdated political system.
Separately, these campaigns may sound like a lot of noise, or too much like similar approaches that have already been tried and failed. But times have changed, and when looked at together, as a movement committed to fundamental reform, we are a triumphant symphony. We have the numbers and we have a plan. All it takes now, is the will of the people.
Restoring representation is the single most important issue of our time, not because it is difficult, but because everything else is held in the balance.There may be a great deal of cynicism or lack of interest when it comes to politics, but when looking at the whole of it, our country is in crisis and calling for help. The only question that remains then is: what will you do to answer?
Bruce Skarin is a Massachusetts independent candidate for U.S. Senate. To Learn more about his campaign visit www.bruce2014.org.
Photo retrieved from the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy