
Search query: south carolina

Media Influence On The 2012 Republican Primary
Media Influence On The 2012 Republican Primary
 With five states holding primary elections today, the Republican race to the White House is not over just yet. While each candidate has had their 15 minutes of fame, Mitt Romney remains in the s...
The Week Ahead: Obama's Appeal, GOP Primary, and the Supreme Court
The Week Ahead: Obama's Appeal, GOP Primary, and the Supreme Court
The Youth Barack Obama will spend next week focusing on the constituency that carried him to the White House back in 2008: the youth. With scheduled stops in North Carolina, Colorado an...
Santorum's Out, But Delegates Still Focus of GOP Primary
Santorum's Out, But Delegates Still Focus of GOP Primary
Senator Santorum suspended his campaign today, leaving Governor Romney as the likely Republican Party nominee with Speaker Gingrich and Dr. Ron Paul trailing, but still in the race. This is a fortuito...
Obama Leads With Independent Voters, Especially Women
Obama Leads With Independent Voters, Especially Women
A new USA Today/Gallup poll shows President Obama has a solid lead among independent voters in key swing states over presumptive Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Mitt Romney. He now polli...
Rule Changes, Unenthusiastic Romney Supporters Prolong GOP Race
Rule Changes, Unenthusiastic Romney Supporters Prolong GOP Race
 Despite the efforts of the Romney campaign and media treatment of the Republican nominating process as all but wrapped up in his favor, the reality is the GOP race continues on for several reaso...
Supreme Court Hearings on Health Care Reform Kick Off
Supreme Court Hearings on Health Care Reform Kick Off
The US Supreme Court will hold hearings this week on a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obama’s health care plan. The lawsuit was filed by twenty six states, four small business owners, an...
Close race in the South for GOP Presidential Candidates
Close race in the South for GOP Presidential Candidates
Today the GOP Presidential Candidates head to the South for a pair of highly contested primaries in Alabama and Mississippi. In what has become an increasingly close race, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santo...
Ron Paul Could Lead in Delegate Count
Ron Paul Could Lead in Delegate Count
As we noted last week, GOP delegate process is far more complicated than the mainstream media leads people to believe. The primary process is not always as simple as winning the most votes and therefo...
Who's Really Ahead: Current GOP Delegate Tally, Guesses or Fact?
Who's Really Ahead: Current GOP Delegate Tally, Guesses or Fact?
Media focus on the Republican presidential primary process is on a perpetual 24/7 news cycle, relentless and rife with circus sideshows (Hello, Mr. Trump). Yet, the constant microscope from the press ...
What happened to the Tea Party?
What happened to the Tea Party?
As a 22-year-old young man in a denim jacket, with long, dark hair down to the middle of my back, and a big sign that said something against the banks, you might have guessed that I was an Occupy Wall...