
Search query: washington dc

Was All the Criticism of Trump Fair-Minded?
Was All the Criticism of Trump Fair-Minded?
Is criticism of Trump fair-minded? After what has been called 'the most disgusting US presidential race ever,' fair judgement of President-Elect Donald Trump will play a key role in bringing the US to...
Desglosando la Democracia: Movimientos No-Partidistas en el Foco
Desglosando la Democracia: Movimientos No-Partidistas en el Foco
Estamos a menos de una semana del Día de las Elecciones, dando cierre a una contienda presidencial que ha dado a los votantes dos de los candidatos más rechazados y desconfiados en la historia moderna...
Si Por La Propuesta 52: Protegiendo una Exitosa Alianza para La Salud
Si Por La Propuesta 52: Protegiendo una Exitosa Alianza para La Salud
En un año electoral que ha estado marcado por la división y el conflicto, desde el nivel presidencial hasta las contiendas locales, es aún más sorprendente que California cuente con una propuesta esta...
Political Promotion or Propaganda: Hillary's Correct the Record Army Invades the Internet
Political Promotion or Propaganda: Hillary's Correct the Record Army Invades the Internet
Information from the Federal Election Commission shows that Hillary Clinton's super PAC spent over $1 million on a program dedicated to "correcting" online attacks against the...
Gary Johnson Has More Major Newspaper Endorsements Than Donald Trump
Gary Johnson Has More Major Newspaper Endorsements Than Donald Trump
SFGate reported Thursday that Donald Trump has made history. Approximately a month before the election, Trump has earned zero major newspaper endorsements, a first for any major party nominee in presi...
La Corte Escuchará Argumentos en la Demanda contra la Comisión de Debates
La Corte Escuchará Argumentos en la Demanda contra la Comisión de Debates
La Corte de Distrito de los Estados Unidos en Washington, D.C. escuchará argumentos en una demanda que cuestiona a la FEC por no regular debidamente a la Comisión de los Debates Presidenciales. La cor...
Oral Argument Granted for Lawsuit Against Debate Commission
Oral Argument Granted for Lawsuit Against Debate Commission
The U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. will hear oral arguments in a lawsuit challenging the FEC for not properly regulating the Commission on Presidential Debates. The court set a hearing d...
Yes on 52: Protecting a Successful Health Care Partnership
Yes on 52: Protecting a Successful Health Care Partnership
In an election year marked by division and conflict, from the presidential to the local level, it’s all the more remarkable that California has one statewide ballot measure that enjoys support from a ...
Why the Voter Rebellion is Alive and Being Led ... by South Dakota!
Why the Voter Rebellion is Alive and Being Led ... by South Dakota!
While no longer operative in the presidential election, the voter rebellion witnessed during the primaries is alive and well. South Dakota is now the epicenter, where Amendment V for Nonpartisan Elect...
The Transpartisan, Grassroots Movement to Overturn Citizens United is Gaining Serious Momentum
The Transpartisan, Grassroots Movement to Overturn Citizens United is Gaining Serious Momentum
In recent years, there have been several top-down attempts to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United. That decision, made in 2010, birthed legal entities known as super PAC...