
Search query: kansas

FEC Reports, Party In-Fighting Open Door for Greg Orman in KS Senate Race
FEC Reports, Party In-Fighting Open Door for Greg Orman in KS Senate Race
We like to believe that money isn't everything when it comes to match-ups in the general election, but in reality it can be a pretty good indicator of who will be the last ones standing come November ...
Independent Greg Orman Raises $600K without PACs, Personal Contributions
Independent Greg Orman Raises $600K without PACs, Personal Contributions
Greg Orman, the independent candidate for U.S. Senate in Kansas, hit a major milestone on Wednesday by reaching the $600,000 mark in individual campaign contributions. This total does not include any ...
What Happens if the Highway Trust Fund Gets Too Low?
What Happens if the Highway Trust Fund Gets Too Low?
By the time Dwight David Eisenhower became president of the United States, he had already secured historical immortality as the supreme commander of the victorious Allied Forces in the Second World Wa...
Independent Senate Candidate Greg Orman Launches Statewide Ad Campaign
Independent Senate Candidate Greg Orman Launches Statewide Ad Campaign
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEnTDCop-XAEntrepreneur Greg Orman, an independent candidate running for U.S. Senate in Kansas, on Thursday launched a statewide broadcast, cable, and radio ad campaign ...
Centrist Project Voice Endorses 5 Independent-Minded Candidates
Centrist Project Voice Endorses 5 Independent-Minded Candidates
The Centrist Project Voice, a political action committee the Centrist Project says is the first to support candidates ready to set partisanship aside and "focus on the core issues of critical importan...
Revolving Door Between K Street and Congress Continues Despite Regulations
Revolving Door Between K Street and Congress Continues Despite Regulations
Few quid pro quos are as apparent as when McDonald’s CEO, Ray Kroc, donated $250,000 to President Nixon in 1972 in return for an exemption from price control that allowed McDonald’s to raise...
Independent Greg Orman Says We Need Real Problem Solvers in Washington
Independent Greg Orman Says We Need Real Problem Solvers in Washington
United States Senate seats from Kansas have comprised of a constant stream of Republican politicians since George McGill (D) lost his re-election bid in 1938. Kansas is considered, at least in nationa...
Keystone May Be A Bigger Election Issue Than Some Realize
Keystone May Be A Bigger Election Issue Than Some Realize
It’s no secret that the Keystone issue is a political powder keg. Neither is it a secret that it’s a controversial topic pitting two traditional foes: environmentalists versus big oil. Very murky...
Psychological Effects of Poverty Just As Bad As Physical
Psychological Effects of Poverty Just As Bad As Physical
For the 46.5 million Americans living below the poverty line, 16 million of which are children, life has become a consistent struggle. This struggle does not simply begin and end with monetary concern...
Proposed Marijuana DUI Law Dies in Calif. Assembly Committee
Proposed Marijuana DUI Law Dies in Calif. Assembly Committee
A law that would have meant a DUI conviction if you had trace amounts of THC in your blood failed in the California Legislature last week.AB 2500, by Assemblyman Jim Frazier, would have meant you coul...