
Search query: hawaii

The Jonathan Tarr Foundation: Creating Opportunities for Students
The Jonathan Tarr Foundation: Creating Opportunities for Students
Photo credit: Jonathan Tarr FoundationBack in 1998, Jonathan Tarr was only seventeen years old when he died in a car accident.  In direct response, the Jonathan Tarr Memorial Scholarship Fund&nb...
Hatch Act Reform Passes Unanimously in the Senate
Hatch Act Reform Passes Unanimously in the Senate
Photo: The Office of Senator AkakaThe Hatch Act Modernization Act of 2012 passed the Senate with unanimous consent on November 30th. The Hatch Act, passed in 1939, bars civil servants from running fo...
State by State, the Case Against Prisons Becomes Promising
State by State, the Case Against Prisons Becomes Promising
http://www.sanquentinblog.com/The United States imprisons more of its own citizens than any other country in the world including China, who has a population four times the size. Five percent of the w...
Gay Rights Activists Celebrate Victories in 2012, Look to 2013
Gay Rights Activists Celebrate Victories in 2012, Look to 2013
Credit: The Albany TimesNovember 6, 2012 is now considered to be a key date in the history of gay rights activism. Same-sex marriage was legalized in Maine, Maryland, and Washington through ballot re...
Marriage Equality Case Could be Heard in Supreme Court
Marriage Equality Case Could be Heard in Supreme Court
On Nov. 20, the justices of the US Supreme Court will decide whether they should hear one of the several cases that challenge the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA. DOMA define...
Religious Diversity in Congress, A Year of "Firsts"
Religious Diversity in Congress, A Year of "Firsts"
Credit: ThinkProgress, Click to EnlargeWith over 120 million ballots cast, voters changed the face of the US Congress. As a byproduct of electing new Representatives, Americans elected the first Hind...
Religious Diversity in Congress, A Year of "Firsts"
Religious Diversity in Congress, A Year of "Firsts"
Credit: ThinkProgress, Click to EnlargeWith over 120 million ballots cast, voters changed the face of the US Congress. As a byproduct of electing new Representatives, Americans elected the first Hind...
Record Number of Women Elected to Congress in 2012
Record Number of Women Elected to Congress in 2012
The 2012 election cycle saw a record number of women elected to Congress. An all time high of 20 women were elected in the Senate, and at least 77 women in the House, with a few races left uncertain.F...
Meet the Twelve New Senators
Meet the Twelve New Senators
Credit: Wikimedia.orgThe United States Senate has 12 new Members joining its ranks. The balance of power essentially remains unchanged as the Democratic Party retains its majority while Angus King re...
One-on-One: Who is Gary Johnson?
One-on-One: Who is Gary Johnson?
Governor Gary Johnson is the Libertarian candidate for president. He served as governor of New Mexico from 1995-2003. Prior to joining the Libertarian party on December 28, 2011, Gary Johnson campaign...