
Search query: connecticut

3 More States Expand Access to Absentee Voting
3 More States Expand Access to Absentee Voting
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on The Fulcrum and has been republished on IVN with permission from the publisher.‍Proponents of expanded voting by mail during the pandemic won vi...
Kentucky latest to expand mail voting in response to pandemic
Kentucky latest to expand mail voting in response to pandemic
Originally published on The Fulcrum.All Kentuckians will get the chance to vote by mail in the June 23 primary under a deal worked out between Gov. Andy Beshear, a Democrat, and Secretary of State Mic...
After COVID-19 Things Will Change
After COVID-19 Things Will Change
COVID-19, like many global crises and catastrophes bring change. Sometimes permanently, often temporarily. Change comes in both positive and negative garbs. But change never fails to force itself upon...
Opinion: Ranked Choice Voting Must Be A Part of the Coronavirus Elections Fix
Opinion: Ranked Choice Voting Must Be A Part of the Coronavirus Elections Fix
Richie is president and Daley a senior fellow at FairVote, a nonpartisan electoral reform group that promotes ranked-choice voting. This month Daley published "Unrigged: How Americans Are Battling Bac...
Ranked Choice Voting Is Under Attack
Ranked Choice Voting Is Under Attack
Ranked choice voting, an alternative ballot method, has been under attack by the press. Unlike the traditional “pick one” ballot used in most U.S. elections, ranked choice ballots allow voters to rank...
Ranked Choice Voting Is Under Attack
Ranked Choice Voting Is Under Attack
Ranked choice voting, an alternative ballot method, has been under attack by the press. Unlike the traditional “pick one” ballot used in most U.S. elections, ranked choice ballots allow voters to rank the candidates in order of preference.
Independent Voter Project Files Brief Supporting Lawsuit Against Bipartisan Debate Commission
Independent Voter Project Files Brief Supporting Lawsuit Against Bipartisan Debate Commission
The exclusionary presidential debate rules that prevent any candidate outside the Republican and Democratic Parties from participating is another critical cog in the anti-competitive electoral machine that is crippling our representative democracy.
Disappointing, But Not Unexpected: Court Leaves Gerrymandering Reform to States; So Let’s Get to Work
Disappointing, But Not Unexpected: Court Leaves Gerrymandering Reform to States; So Let’s Get to Work
The Supreme Court’s decision to punt on partisan gerrymandering (RUCHO ET AL. v. COMMON CAUSE ET AL.) was discouraging for many in the electoral reform movement, but really should not have come as a s...
Michigan Voted to End Partisan Gerrymandering; Are Partisan Primaries Next?
Michigan Voted to End Partisan Gerrymandering; Are Partisan Primaries Next?
As a business owner and lifelong resident of Michigan, I am proud to have stood with so many of my fellow citizens soliciting signatures for days and weeks on end to get the “Nonpartisan Redistricting...
2019 Sees Tremendous Surge in Ranked Choice Legislation Nationwide
2019 Sees Tremendous Surge in Ranked Choice Legislation Nationwide
As the new year begins, state legislatures around the country are convening to tackle the issues of the day. After seeing pro-democracy measures surge on the ballot in the 2018 midterms, it’s no surpr...