
Search query: kentucky

Rand Paul's Amendment: Congress Can't Exempt Itself from Laws
Rand Paul's Amendment: Congress Can't Exempt Itself from Laws
Republican Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, introduced a Constitutional Amendment last week that would prohibit members of Congress from passing laws "applicable to a citizen of the United States tha...
Short Term Budget Deal Sets Stage for Heated Primary Elections
Short Term Budget Deal Sets Stage for Heated Primary Elections
Speaking on the Senate floor Monday, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) expressed confidence that a resolution to reopen the government ahead of Thursday's debt ceiling deadline would be reached.R...
State Democrats Stand in the Way of Open Primaries in Kentucky
State Democrats Stand in the Way of Open Primaries in Kentucky
The Kentucky group of independents known as Independent Kentucky has fought for fair representation in the state since 2008. By focusing their efforts on opening the state's primary system, they have ...
President's Election Commission Continues to Ignore Independent Voters
President's Election Commission Continues to Ignore Independent Voters
  Source: Jonathan LippincottThe president's Commission on Election Administration held their final public hearing on September 20 in Cincinnati, Ohio, where five independents from Ohio and Kentu...
Kentucky: New Survey Shows 78% Support Legalizing Medical Marijuana
Kentucky: New Survey Shows 78% Support Legalizing Medical Marijuana
The 2013 Kentucky Health Issues Poll shows that 78 percent of those individuals that participated in the polling support legalizing marijuana for medicinal dedications and 40 percent of those polled a...
Syria, Chemical Weapons, and Ad Hominems
Syria, Chemical Weapons, and Ad Hominems
Interventionist hawks of the partisan variety sure are having a hard time holding a position on the Syrian civil war. Only the bipartisan War Party hawks of the John McCain and Lindsey Graham sort see...
Rand Paul Fundraising Numbers Reach Nearly $2 Million
Rand Paul Fundraising Numbers Reach Nearly $2 Million
(Credit: Gage Skidmore)With over two years before any candidates begin announcing for the presidency, Kentucky US Senator Rand Paul is making the fundraising rounds and retrieving a sizable sum.To to...
FBI to Rand Paul: We Don't Need a Warrant for Domestic Drone Use
FBI to Rand Paul: We Don't Need a Warrant for Domestic Drone Use
(Credit: Gage Skidmore)On Monday, Kentucky's Rand Paul became the first US Senator to vote against an FBI director's nomination since the death of J. Edgar Hoover in 1972. Lifting the hold Rand Paul ...
NJ Senate Candidate Voices Opposition to NSA Surveillance
NJ Senate Candidate Voices Opposition to NSA Surveillance
Since whistleblower Edward Snowden released shocking revelations about a far-reaching national surveillance program, the issue of “Big Brother,” and exactly whom he is watching, has become a topic of ...
Strong Second Quarter Fundraising For Congressional Incumbents
Strong Second Quarter Fundraising For Congressional Incumbents
credit: thv11.comThe 2014 midterm election is more than a year away. Nevertheless, congressional incumbents have been busy gearing up for the ever-longer campaign season. The fundraising deadline for...