Kentucky: New Survey Shows 78% Support Legalizing Medical Marijuana
The 2013 Kentucky Health Issues Poll shows that 78 percent of those individuals that participated in the polling support legalizing marijuana for medicinal dedications and 40 percent of those polled are in support of legalizing the plant for any purpose adults see fit.
The poll in question validates a previous polling released back in May which was conducted by the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Cincinnati which revealed that approximately 80 percent of those Kentuckians that participated supported the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes. Furthermore, May’s polling View Post results share similarities with the most recent survey due to the fact that 38 percent of those polled stated that they favor the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes.
Earlier this year Kentucky lawmakers approved a measure that legalizes the cultivation of hemp for industrial and commercial purposes once the federal government grants states the right to legally cultivate the crop. The latest surveys show that Kentuckians not only want to bring an end to the prohibition of hemp farming but also are very eager to see the reforming of the current laws regarding marijuana.