
Search query: montana

Arizona is #1 in meth use by high school students
Arizona is #1 in meth use by high school students
The Arizona Meth Project is trying hard, and succeeding at, reducing first-time meth usage by young people "through public service messaging, public policy, and community outreach."  It does so p...
California meth use still a problem
California meth use still a problem
California is so geographically huge with such a large population, that problems which are sometimes more evident elsewhere are also problems here too, even if they may not get as much attention. One ...
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
The average age of farmers and ranchers in America is increasing, and rural populations are in decline. This is why the U.S. Department of Agriculture is acting to plant a new crop of much needed agri...
Biofuel from algae could be cost-competitive in ten years
Biofuel from algae could be cost-competitive in ten years
A new report from the Energy Biosciences Institute in Berkeley says biofuel from algae may be commercially viable within ten years. While some say this assessment is discouraging, I find it optimistic...
New food safety bill could crush local food movement
New food safety bill could crush local food movement
Next week the Senate will vote on a measure that could potentially extinguish California's local food movement. Lobbied for by multinational agribusiness giants such as Cargill and Monsanto, as well a...
States' rights movement sweeping across America
States' rights movement sweeping across America
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s quest to convince the federal government to put-up-or-shut-up by paying California an additional $6.9 billion he says the state needs to carry out Washington D.C. imposed ...
Legislate Google Earth?
Legislate Google Earth?
I once had an acquaintance who was arguing with another friend over the location of a certain beach. Was it 20 minutes South of one city, or 10 minutes North of another? The issue was solved when one ...