
Search query: georgia

6 Things the Crisis in Ferguson Is Showing Us about America
6 Things the Crisis in Ferguson Is Showing Us about America
The shooting death of an unarmed black civilian by a white police officer this month has made Ferguson, Mo., a flashpoint for some of the most divisive issues in America today.Reports show that Michae...
IVN Daily Digest -- August 6, 2014
IVN Daily Digest -- August 6, 2014
1. Terry Goddard, the Democratic candidate for secretary of state in Arizona, describes how independent voters and candidates are disenfranchised by the current election system."Arizona encourages par...
IVN Daily Digest -- August 4, 2014
IVN Daily Digest -- August 4, 2014
1. The Columbian says Washington state's top-two primary system is on the "cutting edge.""Washington is blessed to have a top two primary, meaning that two candidates in each race will advance, regard...
What You Don't Know About Russian Expansionism
What You Don't Know About Russian Expansionism
When journalist Adi Ignatius asked Vladimir Putin what his favorite Beatles song was in late 2007, the Russian leader replied, “Yesterday.” For some commentators, this expression of nostalgia is enoug...
The FairTax: An Easy Fix To America's Economic Problems
The FairTax: An Easy Fix To America's Economic Problems
Our current tax code is not only hard to understand, but many people say it's unfair. Some think that the rich don't pay enough, while others think they pay too much. Regardless of one's stance on our...
Centrist Project Voice Endorses 5 Independent-Minded Candidates
Centrist Project Voice Endorses 5 Independent-Minded Candidates
The Centrist Project Voice, a political action committee the Centrist Project says is the first to support candidates ready to set partisanship aside and "focus on the core issues of critical importan...
The New Radicals: How the Moderate Wing is Shaping the 2014 Elections
The New Radicals: How the Moderate Wing is Shaping the 2014 Elections
In the wake of last week's startling upset of Eric Cantor, it would be easy to believe that the political middle will once again be left out in the cold. Yet something unique is happening this primary...
Kludgeocracy: A Hidden Cost of Bipartisan Policymaking
Kludgeocracy: A Hidden Cost of Bipartisan Policymaking
Our familiar and enduring ideologies offer convenient explanations and easy solutions to contemporary problems – and this is no less true when it comes to understanding government dysfunction. General...
How Professional Journalism Reinforces Partisanship
How Professional Journalism Reinforces Partisanship
It is quite well known by now that there is two-party dominance in the United States because of the first-past-the-post (FPTP) -- or plurality -- electoral system. Third parties can have an unintended...
On Head Axes and Open Carry Clubs: What the Second Amendment Does Not Protect
On Head Axes and Open Carry Clubs: What the Second Amendment Does Not Protect
“What limitations upon the right to bear arms are permissible? Some undoubtedly are, because there were some that were acknowledged at the time. For example, there was a tort called affrighting, which...