
Search query: west virginia

Our Enemies’ Agenda of Anarchy
Our Enemies’ Agenda of Anarchy
“Anarchy—shall I say, is the worst of all governments? No: Anarchy is the absence of all government; it is the antipodes of order; it is the acme of confusion; it is the result of unbridled license, ...
5 Key Issues The Lame Duck Congress Needs to Resolve in Final Two Months
5 Key Issues The Lame Duck Congress Needs to Resolve in Final Two Months
No one party is going to hold the majority for long. For all the rhetoric from the vice president, by the end of Election Day, the results were not that surprising. The Democrats were not going to kee...
2014 California Legislature Election Results
2014 California Legislature Election Results
On Tuesday, Californians went to the polls to determine the legislative makeup of the world's 9th largest economy. Democrats held onto every statewide office, including the governorship, where Jerry B...
The Fight for the Senate: Who Will Win Control?
The Fight for the Senate: Who Will Win Control?
The main talk of the 2014 election has been which political party will control the Senate after the votes have been counted. Democrats have been on defense throughout most of the country as President ...
In The End, Low Voter Turnout Comes Down to Competitiveness in Elections
In The End, Low Voter Turnout Comes Down to Competitiveness in Elections
No matter what political ideology a voter identifies with, every single election comes down to one thing: voter turnout. If voters don't go to the polls to cast ballots, their party affiliation, or la...
Looking to the Founders: The Vote of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Looking to the Founders: The Vote of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
It seems almost crazy to bring up an Aesop's fable in a series about the Founding Father's legacy to America -- but the fable of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse really exemplifies many of th...
To Fix The Economy, We Need to Treat the Disease -- Not The Symptoms
To Fix The Economy, We Need to Treat the Disease -- Not The Symptoms
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation , then by deflation , the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the peo...
Evidence Suggest No Correlation between Business Experience and Good Governing
Evidence Suggest No Correlation between Business Experience and Good Governing
How many times have we heard variations of the following soundbites from enterprising political candidates: “My business experience has prepared me to be an effective leader.” “Because of my business ...
IVN Daily Digest -- July 17, 2014
IVN Daily Digest -- July 17, 2014
1. Opinion piece in the Montgomery Advertiser advocates adopting a nonpartisan, top-two open primary system in Alabama."Even more importantly, however, this eliminates the unfair choices that some vot...
Midterm Ads Test Messages with Help From Pollsters, Stretch Truth
Midterm Ads Test Messages with Help From Pollsters, Stretch Truth
During Clinton’s uphill re-election campaign in 1996, the president relied heavily on the aid of pollsters. With the help of strategists such as Doug Schoen, Dick Morris, and Mark Penn, the presi...