
Search query: oklahoma

Ron Paul \Supporters'\ Flawed Lawsuit Against the RNC
Ron Paul \Supporters'\ Flawed Lawsuit Against the RNC
In terms of bizarre twists, last week, a lawsuit was filed in United States District Court for the Central District of California – entitled Delegates To The Republican National Convention vs. Republi...
GOP Primary Proves Establishment Can No Longer Ignore Paul Supporters
GOP Primary Proves Establishment Can No Longer Ignore Paul Supporters
While the mainstream media has Governor Mitt Romney’s nomination as a lock, Dr. Ron Paul continues to accumulate delegates at a healthy pace. So many delegates, in fact, the Republican parties in more...
Alternative Candidates in Majority of Gov, Senate & House Races
Alternative Candidates in Majority of Gov, Senate & House Races
One of the most enduring myths in US politics is the assertion that there are no alternatives to the candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties. Many would-be voters who are fed up with the f...
Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules
Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules
The blogosphere is in a flurry today on the heels of the Ron Paul campaign announcement. Concerning its future in states yet to hold Republican primary elections, it looks like Dr. Paul will not be po...
European Elections: Pirates on the Horizon
European Elections: Pirates on the Horizon
 In the last two weeks, European elections have given rise to a wave of anti-incumbent and anti-austerity sentiment among voters in France, Greece and even Germany, where the Pirate Party continu...
Labor Rule Reversal Praised by Agricultural Stakeholders
Labor Rule Reversal Praised by Agricultural Stakeholders
 Directed by the Obama Administration to abandon a proposed change to its regulatory code, the Labor Department has announced that it will not enforce new rules designed to limit the type of work...
Top Wind Power States? Guess Again...
Top Wind Power States? Guess Again...
 Most people would probably choose California as the state with the highest percentage of electricity generation from wind power. As it turns out, California isn’t even close as it gets about 4% ...
Unemployment Lowest in the Rural Heartland
Unemployment Lowest in the Rural Heartland
 Jobseekers might consider moving to fly-over states instead of perhaps making dismissive comments about them while on transcontinental flights. With a few exceptions, the lowest unemployment rat...
Affordable Care Act & Women's Health: The End of Gender Rating?
Affordable Care Act & Women's Health: The End of Gender Rating?
[Update - US Department of Health and Human Services website is now healthcare.gov]The Affordable Care Act, before the Supreme Court this week, includes partial elimination for “gender rating”, a prac...
House Budget Proposal Endangers Timely Farm Bill
House Budget Proposal Endangers Timely Farm Bill
 Congressional House leaders have unveiled their budget proposal for FY2013. Though it revealed few surprises, when House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced the plan on Tuesday he ...