
Search query: georgia

Constitution Party Has Ballot Access in 13 States and Continues to Grow
Constitution Party Has Ballot Access in 13 States and Continues to Grow
It’s hard to look at the doctrine of the Constitution Party without seeing references to overt religious fundamentals -- namely, Christian fundamentals. The preamble to its platform begins:"The C...
Supreme Court to Decide Whether Gerrymandering Is Constitutionally Required
Supreme Court to Decide Whether Gerrymandering Is Constitutionally Required
On Monday, March 2, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in the case, Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission. The high court will consider the constitutionalit...
What America Should and Shouldn't Do to Implement Proportional Representation
What America Should and Shouldn't Do to Implement Proportional Representation
NATIONAL -- There is no doubt that there are some IVN readers who support some form of proportional representation, often seen as a voting scheme that maximizes representation and makes every vote cou...
6 More States Consider Adopting Independent Redistricting Groups
6 More States Consider Adopting Independent Redistricting Groups
Redistricting has been a contentious process since the early 1800s, when Governor Elbridge Gerry signed a bill that reshaped electoral districts in Massachusetts to benefit the Democratic-Republicans....
Looking to the Founders: Combating Judicial Activism
Looking to the Founders: Combating Judicial Activism
When we think of judicial activism or so-called "legislating from the bench," we typically think of this being a modern phenomenon complete with the modern rhetoric of judges going against the will of...
Top-Two Election Reform Will Not Boost Voter Participation -- On Its Own
Top-Two Election Reform Will Not Boost Voter Participation -- On Its Own
On Friday, February 6, the Cook Political Report published an article on the impact the nonpartisan, top-two primary and independent redistricting have had on voter turnout. The author, Amy Walter, po...
Calif. Privacy Laws Complicate DEA License Plate Tracking
Calif. Privacy Laws Complicate DEA License Plate Tracking
Privacy has been a major concern for the American public in the last several years, primarily because of leaked or released information about government projects involving collecting information about...
Congress Approves More Sanctions on Russia with No Debate or Recorded Vote
Congress Approves More Sanctions on Russia with No Debate or Recorded Vote
During the so-called lame duck session of Congress, a number of significant bills have passed with little or no debate. One was over intelligence gathering and another increases sanctions on Russia an...
Resolution Condemning Russia Shows Absence of Real Foreign Policy Debate in Washington
Resolution Condemning Russia Shows Absence of Real Foreign Policy Debate in Washington
Late last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed resolution HR 758, which largely condemns Russia. However, it may also provide impetus for further confrontation between the United States...
One Man Stops Bipartisan Bill to De-Militarize Police after Ferguson
One Man Stops Bipartisan Bill to De-Militarize Police after Ferguson
As the protests in Ferguson, Missouri continue, the U.S. Congress recently blocked a vote on a bipartisan bill that would have restricted the transfer of military-grade weapons and vehicles to lo...