
Search query: pennsylvania

Two-Party Extremism Has The Country on Edge, But We Have the Remedy
Two-Party Extremism Has The Country on Edge, But We Have the Remedy
I spoke with Jennifer Bullock, the Founder of Independent Pennsylvanians and the Director of the Philadelphia Social Therapy Group. Jennifer talked about what it is like organizing independent voters ...
Maine Voters Lift Up Democracy; Democratic Party Pulls It Down
Maine Voters Lift Up Democracy; Democratic Party Pulls It Down
A wise man once said, “Those who make the rules, rule.” Today, we wonder whether the current rules of voting and governing can deliver any kind of progress.An important rules question was on the ballo...
The Soul of American Democracy: Lessons from the Royal Wedding
The Soul of American Democracy: Lessons from the Royal Wedding
As a primary care doctor in Harlem, I see the impact of social conditions such as poverty, lead paint poisoning, and asthma-causing mold in public housing, as well as the emotional trauma that accompa...
Guess Why 1.1 Million Registered Pennsylvania Voters Were Disenfranchised in Yesterday's Primaries
Guess Why 1.1 Million Registered Pennsylvania Voters Were Disenfranchised in Yesterday's Primaries
On Tuesday, the Democratic and Republican Parties of Pennsylvania nominated candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, and the commonwealth's congressional delegation to Washington.Yet 1.1 million ...
Ohio: The Next State to End Gerrymandering?
Ohio: The Next State to End Gerrymandering?
Update 5/9/18: Issue 1 -- Ohio redistricting reform -- passed with three-fourths voter support, 74.9% voting "Yes."Update 5/8/18, 8:57 PM ET: Election results in Ohio point to overwhelming victory for...
Pennsylvania: The Wretched Face of Gerrymandering
Pennsylvania: The Wretched Face of Gerrymandering
Another election season, another increasingly bizarre redrawing of the electoral map. In states across the U.S., voting districts are elongated and chopped, stretched like taffy to cover certain state...
National Week of Conversation: Historic Movement Shatters Partisan Barriers
National Week of Conversation: Historic Movement Shatters Partisan Barriers
Did you participate in the National Week of Conversation?The Bridge Alliance, along with 100 sponsoring organizations, community organizers, elected officials, and more, held hundreds of events -- pub...
"Hollywood for Ugly People": Independent Candidate Gets Candid About DC Corruption
"Hollywood for Ugly People": Independent Candidate Gets Candid About DC Corruption
"Hollywood for ugly people."It is not a phrase coined by Michigan independent congressional candidate Cooper Nye. However, Nye says he can see why some people have come to view Washington, DC thi...
The Predicament of Polling
The Predicament of Polling
If 2016 taught me anything, it is how disastrous political polls have become. And as we head into the 2018 midterms, we should take a hard look how we are conducting them, crunching the numbers and us...
County of San Diego Joins Fight Against Sanctuary City Laws
County of San Diego Joins Fight Against Sanctuary City Laws
It's no secret the State of California is tearing at its political seams, careening towards a tipping point with the Sanctuary City battle leading the way.TWO of the states THREE largest counties, bot...