Articles by Wes Messamore

How Will the New Government Affect Independent Voters' Finances?
How Will the New Government Affect Independent Voters' Finances?
My rates! What happened to my rates? Partisan and independent voters ranked the economy the most important issue in the 2024 election.
Why Did Donald Trump Win?
Why Did Donald Trump Win?
Former and future President Donald Trump's decisive 2024 win with 312 electors (to Harris’ 226) and 50.1% of the votes nationwide (to Harris' 48.3%) was a resounding victory. 
How The GOP and Dems Are Using Third Parties to Poach Each Other's Voters
How The GOP and Dems Are Using Third Parties to Poach Each Other's Voters
While working to activate, energize, and turnout their voters on Election Day, Democrats and Republicans are playing wedges with the pie chart, but the Dems are crying foul.
Trump Surged 14 Points with Independents: Did the Debate Change That?
Trump Surged 14 Points with Independents: Did the Debate Change That?
An early Aug. PBS/NPR/Marist poll found Harris leading Trump by 11 percentage points among independents, but a Sept. poll puts Trump ahead by 3 points.
10 Ways Joe Biden Is Just Like Donald Trump
10 Ways Joe Biden Is Just Like Donald Trump
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. Forever, and ever, and ever...
Another Tea Party Is Brewing: This One Will Be Stormier
Another Tea Party Is Brewing: This One Will Be Stormier
“History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain