
Search query: rhode island

Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules
Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules
The blogosphere is in a flurry today on the heels of the Ron Paul campaign announcement. Concerning its future in states yet to hold Republican primary elections, it looks like Dr. Paul will not be po...
Looking Towards Tampa: Ron Paul's Delegate Strategy
Looking Towards Tampa: Ron Paul's Delegate Strategy
continued his march this week to the Republican nomination in Tampa. However, as has been noted repeatedly throughout the process, he is a very weak nominee. There also continues to be a substantial ...
Media Influence On The 2012 Republican Primary
Media Influence On The 2012 Republican Primary
 With five states holding primary elections today, the Republican race to the White House is not over just yet. While each candidate has had their 15 minutes of fame, Mitt Romney remains in the s...
The Week Ahead: Obama's Appeal, GOP Primary, and the Supreme Court
The Week Ahead: Obama's Appeal, GOP Primary, and the Supreme Court
The Youth Barack Obama will spend next week focusing on the constituency that carried him to the White House back in 2008: the youth. With scheduled stops in North Carolina, Colorado an...
Declare Your Independence from the Two-Party Charade
Declare Your Independence from the Two-Party Charade
 In an article here at IVN yesterday, AJ Segneri asked: where is the next third party? It is a common question, especially among those who feel that a choice between a Democrat and a Republican i...
On the Campaign Trail: April 17, 2012
On the Campaign Trail: April 17, 2012
With former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum out of the primary, the dynamics of the presidential race have changed, with increased attention on the likelihood of a gen...
Santorum's Out, But Delegates Still Focus of GOP Primary
Santorum's Out, But Delegates Still Focus of GOP Primary
Senator Santorum suspended his campaign today, leaving Governor Romney as the likely Republican Party nominee with Speaker Gingrich and Dr. Ron Paul trailing, but still in the race. This is a fortuito...
Voter ID a hot topic in state legislatures
Voter ID a hot topic in state legislatures
Voter turnout in the United States is disturbingly low. In the 2008 presidential election, voter turnout was higher than it had been in a generation, but barely 60% of eligible voters bothered to cast...
Americans Elect qualifies for ballot access in California
Americans Elect qualifies for ballot access in California
On Monday, Secretary of State Debra Bowen officially certified Americans Elect to appear on California's ballots for the 2012 elections.  The addition brings the number of qualified political par...
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
The average age of farmers and ranchers in America is increasing, and rural populations are in decline. This is why the U.S. Department of Agriculture is acting to plant a new crop of much needed agri...