
Search query: minnesota

Jill Stein's Ballot Access Campaign Gets Major Boost from Bernie Defectors
Jill Stein's Ballot Access Campaign Gets Major Boost from Bernie Defectors
Green Party signature coordinators across the country are reporting an influx of Bernie Sanders supporters to the Greens' campaign. How far the new momentum will take the party in the 2...
Tracking the Candidates: Current Electoral College Rules Mean Most Americans Ignored
Tracking the Candidates: Current Electoral College Rules Mean Most Americans Ignored
In the weeks since the California primary, when Hillary Clinton joined Donald Trump in becoming her party’s presumptive nominee for president, FairVote has tracked both candidates’ campaign appearance...
In Writing Their Platforms, Some Parties Strive For Better Democracy
In Writing Their Platforms, Some Parties Strive For Better Democracy
It’s July in an election year which means that, among other things, it’s convention time. In the lead up to the conventions, parties are in a flurry of preparation, trying to get every element of thei...
4 of the Most Brutal Presidential Campaigns in U.S. History
4 of the Most Brutal Presidential Campaigns in U.S. History
To many American voters, the dirty attacks of the 2016 election cycle are dizzying. Donald Trump has popularized the hashtag #CrookedHillary. Hillary Clinton characterizes Donald Trump as “temperament...
Breaking His Promise Not to Run for Re-Election, Marco Rubio Must Answer for His Record
Breaking His Promise Not to Run for Re-Election, Marco Rubio Must Answer for His Record
On Wednesday, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, in breaking an earlier pledge to not run for two offices in the same year, announced he was running for re-election after all. The likelihood of the Republican ...
Democratic Parties in 19 States Vote in Favor of Superdelegate Reform
Democratic Parties in 19 States Vote in Favor of Superdelegate Reform
To date, seventeen Democratic State Conventions, one legislative district convention, and one county convention have voted to either abolish or reform superdelegates.Following frustration voiced ...
Independent Parties Join Forces to End Two-Party Hold on Presidential Elections
Independent Parties Join Forces to End Two-Party Hold on Presidential Elections
6/1/2016 - The United Independent Party of Massachusetts has reached an agreement in principle to join with the Independent Party of Oregon and the Independence Party of Minnesota as a co-founder of a...
Independent Parties in Oregon, Minnesota Announce Presidential Pact
Independent Parties in Oregon, Minnesota Announce Presidential Pact
Leaders of the Independent Party of Oregon and the Independence Party of Minnesota have reached a "broad strokes" agreement on joining together to form a national coalition of nonpartisan, moderate, a...
How Many Superdelegates Has Bernie Sanders Picked Up?
How Many Superdelegates Has Bernie Sanders Picked Up?
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is on a winning streak, having won eight of the last nine contests. Though Sanders still trails in terms of pledged delegates (whose support is tied to electoral ...
Does A Dwindling Rubio Campaign Mean an Uncertain Future for the GOP?
Does A Dwindling Rubio Campaign Mean an Uncertain Future for the GOP?
Following the weekend's primaries and the upcoming votes on Tuesday, many eyes remain fixed on a presidential candidate who has been highly touted, but has delivered few victories, leading to concerns...