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Can Congress Still Do Its Job? How Polarization Threatens Your Favorite Cause
Can Congress Still Do Its Job? How Polarization Threatens Your Favorite Cause
Over the weekend, Senate negotiators released final language of a bill that would address the growing crisis at America’s southern border while also providing aid to Ukraine and Israel. This would be great news, if House Speaker Mike Johnson hadn’t announced the bill was dead on arrival before the bill had been written.
Imperiling Democracy: The Two-Party System is Automating Voter Choice
Imperiling Democracy: The Two-Party System is Automating Voter Choice
As critical thinking skills become increasingly important in the era of artificial intelligence, our two-party political system is imperiling both democracy and the American workforce by automating voter choice, decreasing the value of human input and serving as a Chat GPT for everyday political conversations.
5 Races in California Where Independent Voters May Decide the Outcome
5 Races in California Where Independent Voters May Decide the Outcome
California’s ‘top-two’ nonpartisan primary creates election dynamics that are much different than you see in most states because, instead of candidates vying for the hearts and minds of their party-ba...
The Skeevy Tactics Both Parties Have Used to Take Voters' Money
The Skeevy Tactics Both Parties Have Used to Take Voters' Money
If the 2024 presidential election follows recent trends, it will be the most expensive campaign finance cycle in modern US history with figures that will likely ascend into the billions of dollars. And this has many voters concerned about the state of money in politics.
New Report: Ranked Choice Voting Empowers Candidates and Voters of Color
New Report: Ranked Choice Voting Empowers Candidates and Voters of Color
A new report by FairVote sheds light on the positive impacts of ranked choice voting (RCV) on candidates and voters of color. The comprehensive study analyzed 448 RCV elections over two decades, revealing key findings that highlight the benefits of this voting system.
Joe Biden Won't Be on the NH Democratic Ballot -- But 21 Names Will Be
Joe Biden Won't Be on the NH Democratic Ballot -- But 21 Names Will Be
Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash   The New Hampshire presidential primaries are scheduled to take place on Tuesday, January 23. As it is the first-in-the-nation primary it garners sub...
Gallup: Independent Numbers Dominate; Parties Continue to Slip
Gallup: Independent Numbers Dominate; Parties Continue to Slip
Gallup reports that in 2023 the percentage of US voters who self-identified as independent tied a record-high average of 43% -- first set in 2014. Meanwhile, party identification continues to slip. 
Navigating the Maze: The 2024 California Presidential Primaries and Certified Candidates
Navigating the Maze: The 2024 California Presidential Primaries and Certified Candidates
California is gearing up for the 2024 presidential primaries scheduled for Super Tuesday on March 5. However, California's semi-closed rules and regulations leave millions of voters confused every election cycle. Here's everything you need to know about these elections.
10 Ways Both Parties Are Destroying Democracy
10 Ways Both Parties Are Destroying Democracy
As the political landscape in the United States gears up for the 2024 presidential election, the media's focus is often on the perceived threats to democracy posed by individual candidates or movements, like the rhetoric around the MAGA crowd and former President Donald Trump, who is treated as the likely GOP nominee.
Upcoming Book: America's Political Problems Start with Its Broken Primaries
Upcoming Book: America's Political Problems Start with Its Broken Primaries
A new book is slated to hit the shelves in February by former congressional candidate and Unite America Executive Director Nick Troiano, which details the fundamental problem with the US's unrepresentative and hyper-polarized political system and where change must begin: the primaries.