
Search query: new york

The 3 Most Egregious Ways Your Privacy Is Breached Without Your Permission
The 3 Most Egregious Ways Your Privacy Is Breached Without Your Permission
As it finally dawns on many consumers and businesses that everything they do online creates a record of their activity...And that a lot of companies– like ISPs, social media platforms, search engines,...
The Harsh Reality: Americans Are Losing Hope
The Harsh Reality: Americans Are Losing Hope
As an independent candidate for president in the 2016 election cycle, I travelled 20 months and over 70,000 miles around America. As a Green Party candidate for Congress in upstate New York, I now tra...
Bonnie Reiss, We Were Lucky to Know ‘Ya
Bonnie Reiss, We Were Lucky to Know ‘Ya
I lost a friend last week, Bonnie Reiss. She died of lung cancer at 62. The disease spread quietly until it emerged full force a year ago. Its grip was relentless. And it would not let go.Bonnie ...
Maine Independent: The Parties Have Failed You, But I Won't
Maine Independent: The Parties Have Failed You, But I Won't
Maine businessman and independent state legislator Martin Grohman launched his campaign for Congress Tuesday. Grohman is running to represent Maine's First Congressional District against incumbent Dem...
Tim Canova: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Has Spoiled the Democratic Party
Tim Canova: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Has Spoiled the Democratic Party
Progress for All founder and law professor Tim Canova is taking another shot at unseating former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who has been embroiled in lawsuits and scandals since the 2016 elec...
Time To Eliminate YOUR Wall Street Tax?
Time To Eliminate YOUR Wall Street Tax?
As we get older, and hopefully wiser, we generally start to become more discerning on how we view the world and the problems we face. Many of us who seek to make the world a better place try to look a...
We the People: From the Past to a New American Revolution
We the People: From the Past to a New American Revolution
 "I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset."- Langston HughesIn February, I traveled...
Amazon vs Trump:  Web Giant Retools As K Street Scrambles
Amazon vs Trump: Web Giant Retools As K Street Scrambles
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos offered to shoot Donald Trump into outer space back in 2015 after a stinging Trump tweet. Last week a barrage of Amazon aimed twitter missives arrived in the world’s inbox courte...
Independent Senate Candidate: Two-Party Politics An "Injustice to America"
Independent Senate Candidate: Two-Party Politics An "Injustice to America"
The track record for winning an election as an independent is far from good. However, Neal Simon of Maryland hopes to strengthen those numbers come November. We sat down with the U.S. Senate candidate...
44 House Democrats Exempted Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT Aides From Background Checks
44 House Democrats Exempted Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT Aides From Background Checks
Just when you think the House IT scandal out of a former DNC Chair's congressional office couldn't possibly get more unreal, it does. It's the story of Florida Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz'...