
Search query: north carolina

How The Fair Representation Act Can Defuse Weaponized Gerrymandering
How The Fair Representation Act Can Defuse Weaponized Gerrymandering
 Modern data-driven map making capabilities have made the age-old practice of drawing congressional districts to favor a political party – gerrymandering – a frighteningly precise and effective w...
Three-Judge Panel Strikes Down N.C. District Maps for Partisan Manipulation
Three-Judge Panel Strikes Down N.C. District Maps for Partisan Manipulation
A three-judge panel ruled Monday that North Carolina's congressional districts once again violated the US Constitution. This time, however, it was not on racial grounds -- but partisan.The court furth...
OPINION: American Democracy Is Dead!
OPINION: American Democracy Is Dead!
Americans have to admit that our democracy -- the great experiment -- is dead. Our government does not look or function as our Founding Fathers intended. In fact, it has failed in the fundamental pu...
The Challenge To “Winner-Take-All” Launched
The Challenge To “Winner-Take-All” Launched
Beginning today, in four states across the country, lawsuits will be filed to challenge the way presidential electors are selected in America. The plaintiffs in these suits charge that the “winner-tak...
Black Voting Rights Leader: BOTH Parties Guilty of Voter Suppression
Black Voting Rights Leader: BOTH Parties Guilty of Voter Suppression
I am a physician and a black woman who grew up poor and came of age in the 1970’s. I‘ve spent 25 years practicing medicine, mainly in Harlem, and I care deeply about the state of our country, about th...
Military Parades Are Really Partisan Spectacles
Military Parades Are Really Partisan Spectacles
It’s that time of year again…The time of year where President Trump asks for a military parade and the partisans on both sides go nuts.“It’s like they’re from communist Russia, wanting to show off our...
3 News Stories With More Impact Than Texts Between Lovers
3 News Stories With More Impact Than Texts Between Lovers
Read about what really matters from the news last week. We provide you the least-biased news about current events so you can go about your day informed, not brainwashed.What to avoid: The texts were ...
Penn. Court: Partisan Maps "Clearly, Plainly, Palpably" Violate State Constitution
Penn. Court: Partisan Maps "Clearly, Plainly, Palpably" Violate State Constitution
In an order issued on Monday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that the district lines “clearly, plainly and palpably” violate the state Constitution and gave the Republican legislature until Febr...
Newspaper Editorial: "New York Is A Model for Voter Suppression"
Newspaper Editorial: "New York Is A Model for Voter Suppression"
The news website, The Island Now, published an editorial recently that is worth reading. It challenges the way many people view voter suppression in the US.The focus in most media outlets are perceive...
3 Important News Stories Drowned Out by Partisan Noise
3 Important News Stories Drowned Out by Partisan Noise
Read about what really matters from the news last week. We provide you the least-biased news about current events so you can go about your day informed, not brainwashed.What to avoid: The media ...