
Search query: new york

4 Types of Healthcare Systems
4 Types of Healthcare Systems
Types of Healthcare SystemsPoliticians love to brag about how the United States is the greatest nation on earth. But when it comes to health insurance, this is far from true. 28 million Americans curr...
AZ Independent Required to Get 6x the Signatures as Major Party Candidates
AZ Independent Required to Get 6x the Signatures as Major Party Candidates
Too much of a good thing can easily be a bad thing.Too much water leads to water intoxication.Too much working out leads to rhabdomyolysis.Too many antibiotics lead to drug-resistant superbugs.And fin...
911 Dispatch Part of New Complaint Against City of San Diego
911 Dispatch Part of New Complaint Against City of San Diego
The State of California's Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), has filed a complaint on behalf of the California Teamsters Local 911 who represents the San Diego Lifeguard Union.The union claims ...
Could One Independent Become the Most Influential Politician in Colorado?
Could One Independent Become the Most Influential Politician in Colorado?
A group of independent candidates are running to be the first unaffiliated lawmakers elected to the legislature in Colorado history. The slate of independents was brought together by Unite Colorado, w...
Journalist Jordan Chariton: What I Learned Starting An Anti-Mainstream Media Company
Journalist Jordan Chariton: What I Learned Starting An Anti-Mainstream Media Company
From December 2015 when I began as The Young Turks first-ever reporter in the field to two and a half years later, I was fortunate enough to grow an audience by showing the stories of the downtrodden:...
Green Energy: The Future is Now
Green Energy: The Future is Now
As the Green Party candidate for Congress in upstate NY District 21, when I describe the threats of global warming and the urgent need for an electric grid and national economy based on clean, renewab...
Coalition Says We Can Make Congress Listen Again
Coalition Says We Can Make Congress Listen Again
It is no secret that Americans are dissatisfied with the work Congress is doing. A 15 percent congressional approval rating has become the norm in American politics. Most voters don't feel either part...
It’s About Dignity, Stupid!
It’s About Dignity, Stupid!
First, let me apologize. I don’t really think you are stupid. I was competing for your attention with an oxymoron. And also to demonstrate how easy it is to get attention by using denigrating language...
Voter Suppression: How Politicians Are At War With Your Vote
Voter Suppression: How Politicians Are At War With Your Vote
Voter suppression is a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from voting and is different from political campaigning.Campaigning attempts to change...
Empowerment for the Poor is a Political Reform Issue
Empowerment for the Poor is a Political Reform Issue
On the Saturday a week before Mother's Day, I participated in the 34th Annual Harlem Mother's Day Parade. I was there on behalf of the Committee for Independent Community Action (CICA), foun...