
Search query: nebraska

Will Fargo Be the First in the Nation to Adopt Approval Voting?
Will Fargo Be the First in the Nation to Adopt Approval Voting?
The city commission of Fargo, North Dakota is currently considering a proposal that would dump the choose-one voting method used in a majority of cities and states across the U.S. and adopt appro...
It's Time for America to Grow Up!
It's Time for America to Grow Up!
The last eight years have seen partisanship at its very best, or worst depending on your point of view. Every presidential election has been essentially the same: the two main candidates sling mud at ...
Sanders-Backed 'Our Revolution' Scores Major Victories on Election Day
Sanders-Backed 'Our Revolution' Scores Major Victories on Election Day
In August, just one month after the Democratic National Convention, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders announced the launch of Our Revolution, a non-profit organization dedicated to keeping his progressiv...
South Dakota's Amendment V Falls Short of Victory
South Dakota's Amendment V Falls Short of Victory
The Mount Rushmore State did not pass nonpartisan primaries Tuesday night. South Dakota's Amendment V - Nonpartisan Elections didn't quite make the cut at 44.51% to 55.49%.Amendment V would have ...
The Majority Has Spoken (Again and Again): It’s Time To End The Electoral College
The Majority Has Spoken (Again and Again): It’s Time To End The Electoral College
Raise your hand if you think that the president of the United States should be elected by the popular vote. Ah, it looks like most of you do. Hands down and know that you’re not alone.In fact, poll af...
South Dakota Amendment V Picks Up Momentum into Election Weekend
South Dakota Amendment V Picks Up Momentum into Election Weekend
With teams of canvassers on the ground in ten communities the past week, the endorsements of every daily newspaper that voiced an opinion, and key support from influential Republicans, independents an...
Desglosando la Democracia: Movimientos No-Partidistas en el Foco
Desglosando la Democracia: Movimientos No-Partidistas en el Foco
Estamos a menos de una semana del Día de las Elecciones, dando cierre a una contienda presidencial que ha dado a los votantes dos de los candidatos más rechazados y desconfiados en la historia moderna...
How Amendment V Fixes South Dakota's Broken Elections
How Amendment V Fixes South Dakota's Broken Elections
Amendment V is modeled on the Nebraska system, that is among the most competitive in U.S.Most voters would like to believe that their votes on Tuesday will decide the outcome of state legislative race...
The Final Campaign Push: Lots of Stops, But Few States
The Final Campaign Push: Lots of Stops, But Few States
Last Monday, FairVote released our 2016 general election presidential campaign tracker. This tracker, which has been regularly used this fall by National Popular Vote, looks at where major party candi...
Election Mayhem: What Happens If There's an Electoral Tie?
Election Mayhem: What Happens If There's an Electoral Tie?
Most people will agree, the 2016 presidential election has been the craziest in modern U.S. history, and there are millions of Americans who are looking forward to its end. While the threat of possibl...