
Search query: iowa

Reality Check: Why Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are not 'Wasted Votes'
Reality Check: Why Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are not 'Wasted Votes'
In what has been an election year unlike any other, things could become even more unusual. As we head toward the presidential debates, is it possible that we will see 3 candidates on the stage, n...
On The Issues: Where Each Presidential Candidate Stands on TPP
On The Issues: Where Each Presidential Candidate Stands on TPP
While it is debatable whether Americans largely approve of joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – the massive free trade agreement comprising 11 other countries -- it is undeniable th...
Moving Past The Two-Sided Narrative on Health Care
Moving Past The Two-Sided Narrative on Health Care
Everyone has heard the one-liners when it comes to politically discussing heath care: from 'death panels' to 'free health care,' 'socialized medicine' to 'free market care,' the one-liners say everyth...
"Our Revolution" Needs to Belong to the People, Not a Party
"Our Revolution" Needs to Belong to the People, Not a Party
Bernie Sanders had a great run. He exceeded every expectation, mobilized millions, and changed the political conversation. He made the word revolution fashionable again.Now he’s focused on getting Hil...
50 Ways the Democratic and Republican Parties Are The Same
50 Ways the Democratic and Republican Parties Are The Same
1. Both parties engage in and benefit from gerrymandering, the practice of redrawing district lines for partisan gain. In 2010, Republicans invested millions in statewide races to retake state legisla...
Jill Stein's Ballot Access Campaign Gets Major Boost from Bernie Defectors
Jill Stein's Ballot Access Campaign Gets Major Boost from Bernie Defectors
Green Party signature coordinators across the country are reporting an influx of Bernie Sanders supporters to the Greens' campaign. How far the new momentum will take the party in the 2...
Tracking the Candidates: Current Electoral College Rules Mean Most Americans Ignored
Tracking the Candidates: Current Electoral College Rules Mean Most Americans Ignored
In the weeks since the California primary, when Hillary Clinton joined Donald Trump in becoming her party’s presumptive nominee for president, FairVote has tracked both candidates’ campaign appearance...
Harvard Study Shows How Useless Mainstream Media Was in 2016 Primary
Harvard Study Shows How Useless Mainstream Media Was in 2016 Primary
In early July, the Pew Research Center found that 65 percent of respondents said the campaign was not focused on important policy debates. A study released by Harvard's Shorenstein Center on ...
Debriefing Democracy: Nonpartisan Movements In the Spotlight
Debriefing Democracy: Nonpartisan Movements In the Spotlight
A lot of people are working hard to fix our broken system. Problem is, most people don’t know just how many important efforts are making strides because the media doesn’t spend much time talking about...
Why Tim Kaine Was The Safe, Smart VP Pick
Why Tim Kaine Was The Safe, Smart VP Pick
Tim Kaine is as vanilla middle as you can get. -- Robert Reich 7/24/2016In Robert Reich's op-ed on Sunday, he questioned whether Hillary Clinton 'got it' when it came to selecting Senator Tim Kai...