
Search query: iowa

America Is Clearly Ready to Legalize Marijuana
America Is Clearly Ready to Legalize Marijuana
The Washington Post reported Wednesday that voters in 5 states are leaning toward legalizing marijuana for recreational use. Another big year for pro-legalization advocates could put pressure on the f...
WikiLeaks Wants to Tear Down the Two-Party System
WikiLeaks Wants to Tear Down the Two-Party System
In celebration of WikiLeaks' 10th anniversary Tuesday, the website's founder, Julian Assange, held a press conference via video link in Berlin to announce that the website wil...
Two's Company, Three's a Crowd in U.S. Elections
Two's Company, Three's a Crowd in U.S. Elections
We are staring down the barrel of one of the ugliest general elections for president of our lifetime, and many of us are wondering about our lack of choice. Like it or not, we Americans have just ...
Tired of Political Status Quo, Two-Party Duopoly Fuels Voter Apathy
Tired of Political Status Quo, Two-Party Duopoly Fuels Voter Apathy
The 2016 Presidential election has been dubbed by many as a choice between “the lesser of two evils” and many voters are so disenchanted with the entire process that they are threatening to sit out th...
Don't Be Ashamed to Vote Third Party
Don't Be Ashamed to Vote Third Party
Media pundits and prominent publications are putting the full court press on third-party candidates. It is no coincidence that Hillary Clinton’s efforts to attract millennial voters coincides with the...
To Send a Real Message to the Two Parties, Join a Third Party Now
To Send a Real Message to the Two Parties, Join a Third Party Now
Understandably, readers of the IVN pride themselves on their status as… well… independent voters. Voters are jettisoning the Democratic and Republican Parties faster than you can say “record high unfa...
The Curious Case of Bob Schieffer: Does the Debate Commission Tolerate Dissent?
The Curious Case of Bob Schieffer: Does the Debate Commission Tolerate Dissent?
According to the internet’s wayback machine, retired CBS broadcaster Bob Schieffer was a member of the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) between September 2015 and December 2015.This is an oddl...
Why Trump's 'Bowls Full of Skittles' Outright Disgusts Me
Why Trump's 'Bowls Full of Skittles' Outright Disgusts Me
On my Chinese family's side, I'm a 4th generation American. On my English family's side, one of my distant great-grandfathers was the founder of Connecticut, Thomas Hooker.As someone with part of my f...
Party Leaders to Defectors: Vote How We Tell You, Or Else...
Party Leaders to Defectors: Vote How We Tell You, Or Else...
RNC Chair Reince Priebus is going all in on Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and he wants to make sure any Republican with ambitions of a political future does as well. Making an appearanc...
Why Students Could Be the Drivers of Electoral Change
Why Students Could Be the Drivers of Electoral Change
With back to school season in full swing, and an impending presidential election, the nation’s eyes are turning once more toward our young people — specifically, our college students.It’s no secret th...