
Search query: tennessee

The American Solidarity Party: You May Not Know It Now, But You May after the 2016 Election
The American Solidarity Party: You May Not Know It Now, But You May after the 2016 Election
Upon securing the Republican presidential nomination earlier this year, several commentators noted that Donald Trump was realigning American politics. Through that realignment, economic nationalism, l...
PSA: Leave the Duck Faces at Home on Election Day
PSA: Leave the Duck Faces at Home on Election Day
San Diego, CALIF. - You’ve done your homework. You registered to vote, decided whom you’re voting for, which measures to support, and which to oppose. You even found the best possible route to avoid T...
Green Party Ballot Access at Highest Levels in 2016
Green Party Ballot Access at Highest Levels in 2016
Green Party ballot access campaigns have had more success in 2016 than ever before, according to Rick Lass, Ballot Access Coordinator for the Jill Stein campaign.You can check out the Greens' infograp...
Important Tips for Outdoor Adventurers Who Love the Wilderness and Voting
Important Tips for Outdoor Adventurers Who Love the Wilderness and Voting
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people embark on extended hiking expeditions; consequently, they are often in the wilderness during election season. Long distance hikers, called “thru-hikers,” tr...
Ballot Access Blues: Controversial Cases From the 2016 Election Cycle
Ballot Access Blues: Controversial Cases From the 2016 Election Cycle
As with past election cycles, third party and independent candidates – as well as initiatives aimed at reducing the power of the two major parties – are struggling to achieve access to ...
Jill Stein's Ballot Access Campaign Gets Major Boost from Bernie Defectors
Jill Stein's Ballot Access Campaign Gets Major Boost from Bernie Defectors
Green Party signature coordinators across the country are reporting an influx of Bernie Sanders supporters to the Greens' campaign. How far the new momentum will take the party in the 2...
Sanders Supporters Make History: DNC Platform Now Supports Pathway to Marijuana Legalization
Sanders Supporters Make History: DNC Platform Now Supports Pathway to Marijuana Legalization
In May, the Sanders campaign was given a major opportunity to influence the DNC platform, as 11 of the 15 seats on the drafting committee were filled by progressive voices. While t...
Breaking Through The Duopoly: A Brief History of Third Parties in America
Breaking Through The Duopoly: A Brief History of Third Parties in America
third par·tynoun: a person or group besides the two primarily involved in a situation, especially a dispute.Almost since the beginning of the American Republic, voters have had a third choice. A party...
Millennial Candidates: The Key to Breaking Government Gridlock?
Millennial Candidates: The Key to Breaking Government Gridlock?
While Congress has continued to diversify over the last decade in terms of both gender and race, one element that has not changed is the average age of the institution’s members. The 113th Congress ha...
Are Third Party and Independent Candidates Really 'Spoilers'?
Are Third Party and Independent Candidates Really 'Spoilers'?
With many voters disappointed with their choices for president in the presumptive nominees of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, many are considering alternative candidates. Thus far, the greatest...