
Search query: ohio

Power to the People: 9 Wins (And Counting) in 2018 to Unrig the System
Power to the People: 9 Wins (And Counting) in 2018 to Unrig the System
In the current political environment, the perception is that there is much that divides Americans. Yet there is one important thing that unites most people across the political spectrum: the idea that...
Looking Ahead: The Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing Begins
Looking Ahead: The Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing Begins
Washington, D.C.- On Tuesday the Senate confirmation hearing begins for Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s pick for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. If confirmed, Kavanaugh would tip the balanc...
OPINION: Why "Medicare for All" Is A Lot More Affordable Than You Think
OPINION: Why "Medicare for All" Is A Lot More Affordable Than You Think
The idea of universal health care (Medicare for All) has surged in popularity since the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign. Quite a few progressive candidates for the 2018 midterm elections ran, or are runn...
Media Stays Silent as U.S. Backs Saudi War Crimes in Yemen
Media Stays Silent as U.S. Backs Saudi War Crimes in Yemen
Not only is the United States backing the Saudi monarchy with intelligence and logistical support as it prosecutes a violent proxy war via relentless airstrikes in one of the world's most destitute an...
5 Things Congress Must Do Differently to Save Our Family Farms
5 Things Congress Must Do Differently to Save Our Family Farms
The 2018 Farm Bill is a weapon aimed at family-owned dairy farms. For decades, especially since 2000, the federal government has set the price of milk BELOW the cost of production, guaranteeing farm d...
When Voter Registration Becomes A Barrier to Voting
When Voter Registration Becomes A Barrier to Voting
Earlier this year, Utah and Washington quietly joined 14 other states that have eliminated the use of registration deadlines as a final cutoff to be able to vote. The congruent actions of a red s...
76 Reasons I'm Lucky to Be An American
76 Reasons I'm Lucky to Be An American
Being born in America is like winning the lottery of life.Being able-bodied and able-minded on top of that, in good health and of average or better intelligence, is just a big 'ole cherry right on top...
New TV Doc: Grassroots Rebellion Takes over American Politics
New TV Doc: Grassroots Rebellion Takes over American Politics
WASHINGTON – If like most Americans you’re angry that our democracy feels broken, that elections are being corrupted by billionaire and corporate money, and that politicians are rigging elections thro...
California’s Strange Truth: Impending Blue Wave or Spreading Red Tide?
California’s Strange Truth: Impending Blue Wave or Spreading Red Tide?
A few weeks ago we witnessed in disbelief the seductress of reality tv Kim Kardashian swap her greased and puckered internet-breaking social media posts for an austere and fully-clothed Oval Office ph...
Google Wants All Humans to Reflect Google's Values
Google Wants All Humans to Reflect Google's Values
Google's plan for world domination is fleshed out in public for the first time in an 8 1/2 minute video leaked from the tech giant in May.This is not the Onion.The video is a caricature of a low-budge...