
Search query: virginia

Democrats fall short in pivotal Dream Act vote
Democrats fall short in pivotal Dream Act vote
Despite continued rhetoric that Republicans blocked the Dream Act this past weekend, Democrats have only themselves to blame for failing to gather enough votes for the bill. Republicans filibuste...
Minority and out-of-state freshman enrollment to increase at the University of California this Fall
Minority and out-of-state freshman enrollment to increase at the University of California this Fall
New enrollment data was released last week by the University of California showing that admissions of white and California resident students declined among freshmen who plan to attend a UC school this...
Temporary, high-risk health insurance option coming soon to California
Temporary, high-risk health insurance option coming soon to California
On July 1, the federal government and dozens of states set up temporary “high-risk” health insurance pools for people denied health insurance due to so-called pre-existing conditions. These pools were...
Breaking the Republican-Democrat stranglehold with open debates and open minds
Breaking the Republican-Democrat stranglehold with open debates and open minds
The two-party duopoly is a threat to the free exchange of ideas.  The establishment parties, in conjunction with a complicit corporate media, often exclude third party and independent voices and ...
Marijuana poses a scientific challenge to the War on Drugs
Marijuana poses a scientific challenge to the War on Drugs
Voters headed to the polls this November will be confronted with the option of legalizing the cultivation and recreational use of marijuana. Before deciding, Californians might want to take a cue from...
Californians rabid about sterilizing cats and dogs
Californians rabid about sterilizing cats and dogs
The most heated debate in Sacramento during the past two years hasn’t been budget cuts depriving poor children of health care or awarding billion-dollar tax breaks to corporations.  It hasn’t eve...
California legislature takes aim at budget reform
California legislature takes aim at budget reform
“Reform” is in the eye of the beholder. One policymaker’s idea of improvement is another’s disaster.  Those differences in viewpoint have become apparent as California’s Legislature begins debati...
On healthcare debate, Congress takes slippery slope to eternal damnation
On healthcare debate, Congress takes slippery slope to eternal damnation
Did someone really just accuse the Dems of offending God by holding a vote on Sunday?  Oh, the silliness that has become our political dialog.  Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) on the Glenn Beck rad...
California not alone in passing on budget pain to public university students
California not alone in passing on budget pain to public university students
The 550,000 students enrolled at the University of California and the California State University system have been served a steady diet of tuition and fee increases over the past few years.  In p...
Ron Paul and John Dennis propose alternative solutions to healthcare crisis
Ron Paul and John Dennis propose alternative solutions to healthcare crisis
Our current healthcare system costs about twice per capita compared to other industrialized countries, with drug prices two to three times as high.  Prices have risen exponentially, much faster t...