
Search query: iowa

5 Things You Missed This Week In Nonpartisan Election News
5 Things You Missed This Week In Nonpartisan Election News
From the media blackout of a DNC lawsuit to open primaries to term limits and more, here are 5 things you may have missed in nonpartisan political and election news.1. Media Blackout of DNC ...
Political Scientism: Beware the Enlightened Ones
Political Scientism: Beware the Enlightened Ones
It’s Not What You Believe. It’s How You Believe It George Orwell’s novel 1984 has been selling in large numbers to people scared of a lurch toward authoritarianism in the USA. I recently noted that bo...
Another War on Drugs? Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Calls AG Plan Outdated and Ineffective
Another War on Drugs? Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Calls AG Plan Outdated and Ineffective
Last week's memo released by Attorney General Jeff Sessions may place him in direct conflict with public opinion as well as a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers.The memo directs federal prosecutor...
Fixing America’s Presidential Elections in Just Two Steps (Part 2)
Fixing America’s Presidential Elections in Just Two Steps (Part 2)
Recording Votes: Fixing the Electoral CollegeOur Electoral College (EC) is out of date. Powerful coalitions exist to push for its effective abolishment and a switch to a popular vote, but the support ...
TrumpCare: An Important First Step
TrumpCare: An Important First Step
Now comes the hard part. The house passing health care repeal and replace legislation is a significant short-term win for President Trump, but it won’t mean anything lest he can wrangle the Senate’s s...
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Congress Effectively Legalizes Medical Marijuana at the Federal Level
Last week, Congress avoided a government shutdown by agreeing to a continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded for another week.Then over the weekend, US lawmakers agreed to a deal tha...
Independent Voter Project Opposes Ineffective Presidential Primary Bill
Independent Voter Project Opposes Ineffective Presidential Primary Bill
On Wednesday, representatives from the Independent Voter Project went to Sacramento to voice their opposition to Assembly Bill 837. The bill, brought by Assemblymember Evan Low, is geared toward educa...
Taxing: Reforming the Code Won't be Easy
Taxing: Reforming the Code Won't be Easy
Deep tax cuts and major changes to the individual tax system have been proposed by President Donald Trump and his team. President Trump’s economic advisors laid out the plan in an effort to strengthen...
Tulsi Gabbard Fires Back at FCC's Attempt to Kill Net Neutrality
Tulsi Gabbard Fires Back at FCC's Attempt to Kill Net Neutrality
On Wednesday, the FCC's Trump appointed chairman, Ajit Pai, announced the new plan to roll back Obama era net neutrality rules created by the agency’s 2015 Open Internet Order, calling it&nb...
Unprecedented Steps as Vinson Carrier Group Inches Toward N. Korea
Unprecedented Steps as Vinson Carrier Group Inches Toward N. Korea
San Diego, CALIF.— According to multiple reports, the USS Vinson strike carrier group out of San Diego has almost reached the Korean Peninsula.Two Japanese destroyers will join the group as well as se...