
Search query: washington

Upcoming Book: America's Political Problems Start with Its Broken Primaries
Upcoming Book: America's Political Problems Start with Its Broken Primaries
A new book is slated to hit the shelves in February by former congressional candidate and Unite America Executive Director Nick Troiano, which details the fundamental problem with the US's unrepresentative and hyper-polarized political system and where change must begin: the primaries.
Expect The Rhetoric Around Independent Candidates to Get Worse in 2024
Expect The Rhetoric Around Independent Candidates to Get Worse in 2024
The Republican and Democratic Parties are in panic mode. They see poll after poll show how unfavorable their candidates are and how appealing a third option in the presidential race is going into the ...
The Parties' Candidate Dilemma Is a Nightmare of Their Own Making
The Parties' Candidate Dilemma Is a Nightmare of Their Own Making
In an opinion piece published on Roll Call, David Winston, president of The Winston Group, asked one of the most important questions when considering the state of US elections ahead of another preside...
To Be Truly Open, More Reform Is Needed to Maine Primaries
To Be Truly Open, More Reform Is Needed to Maine Primaries
Next year, Maine will hold its first open primary election. Every Maine voter — including the 32 percent registered as unaffiliated — will be able to vote. It’s a critical step forward.  
What If Neither Party Is Capable of Governing?
What If Neither Party Is Capable of Governing?
Editor's Note: This op-ed originally appeared in The Fulcrum and has been republished in its entirety on IVN with permission from the publisher. The author, John Opdycke, is Founder and President of O...
Maine Voters Send a Clear Message: They Want Foreign Money Out of Elections
Maine Voters Send a Clear Message: They Want Foreign Money Out of Elections
Maine voters overwhelmingly approved Question 2 on Tuesday, a ballot measure that prohibits direct and indirect electioneering from foreign governments and foreign government-owned entities in candida...
Andrew Yang: The Founders Hated the Idea of a Two-Party Duopoly
Andrew Yang: The Founders Hated the Idea of a Two-Party Duopoly
In a recent episode of his podcast, Forward, former presidential candidate and Forward Party Co-Founder Andrew Yang spoke with futurist and X PRIZE founder Peter Diamandis on a variety of topics, including AI in politics, universal basic income, the future of the US workforce, and political reforms that could save the US democratic process.
Maine Question 2 Seeks to End Foreign Interference in State Elections
Maine Question 2 Seeks to End Foreign Interference in State Elections
Maine citizens will vote on a ballot measure this November that, if passed, would prevent foreign governments and foreign government-owned entities from spending millions of dollars to influence state...
Utah Group Seeks to Empower Voters to Reform Manipulative and Divisive Primary Elections
Utah Group Seeks to Empower Voters to Reform Manipulative and Divisive Primary Elections
With each new chaotic moment in US politics, more Americans demand better – better elections and a better political environment. In single-party strongholds, like Utah, movements have emerged to break...
Turnout Among Young Voters Significantly Higher in Vote at Home States, Report Finds
Turnout Among Young Voters Significantly Higher in Vote at Home States, Report Finds
As the political landscape in the US shifts and some states find ways to offer their citizens more accessible elections, young voters are challenging conventional political wisdom in a significant way...