
Search query: ohio

Governor Brown proposes major public pension changes
Governor Brown proposes major public pension changes
The non-partisan Little Hoover Commission reported in February that the ten biggest pension funds for California public workers face a coming shortfall of $240 billion. These benefits are mandate...
September farm update
September farm update
The annual California grape harvest is in full swing and so far field reports are positive, with few weather related issues. Raisin grape growers are picking their produce at its peak this week. Wine ...
Summer of Discontent: Independents speak out
Summer of Discontent: Independents speak out
In the wake of the debt ceiling crisis, there has been an astonishing wave of criticism directed at the two-party state and duopoly system of government.  For many Americans, the debt debacle app...
Gay marriage may become 'no big deal' in the distant future
Gay marriage may become 'no big deal' in the distant future
A few years ago, at the height of his popularity, Tiger Woods had become the beige template for humanity.  His fall from grace has done little to push that idea into the background as racially-mi...
New party on track to gain ballot access in California
New party on track to gain ballot access in California
In addition to the Democrats and Republicans, there are four other ballot-qualified political parties in California, and over a dozen smaller political bodies which are formally attempting to gain b...
This week in war
This week in war
An amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations bill offered by Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) that would have banned funds from being "used in contravention of war powers resolution" was narrowly defe...
Marin paves the way for further expansion of local renewable energy
Marin paves the way for further expansion of local renewable energy
PG&E fought against it, but Marin Clean Energy prevailed and now residents there can choose renewable energy via Community Choice Aggregation. Under Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), c...
California hardest hit by NAFTA-generated job losses
California hardest hit by NAFTA-generated job losses
It turns out Ross Perot had not fallen off his rocker when he, as a 1992 3rd party presidential candidate, predicted that signing NAFTA would lead to the loss of American jobs to trade partners amid a...
Drug War has enslaved more black men than Antebellum South
Drug War has enslaved more black men than Antebellum South
Michelle Alexander is the author of the bestseller, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. Speaking at a book event organized last week by the Pasadena Public Library and ...
New poll reveals most Americans still favor labels on genetically modified foods
New poll reveals most Americans still favor labels on genetically modified foods
According to an MSNBC poll, 96 percent of respondents strongly favor the labeling of genetically modified foods. Over 40,000 people participated in the survey which is the latest in a series of nation...