
Search query: massachusetts

Turning down The Donald:  a new measure of Republican seriousness
Turning down The Donald: a new measure of Republican seriousness
In my view, the Republican Party’s only two serious candidates for President this weekend announced they had turned down the invitation to participate in the completely unserious Newsmax presidential ...
Field Poll: Californians skeptical ahead of 2012 presidential election
Field Poll: Californians skeptical ahead of 2012 presidential election
A Field Poll released on Thursday reveals that Californians are frustrated with the current political process and have a bleak outlook for the country's future- even with a presidential election appro...
A green alternative to the Wall Street Protests
A green alternative to the Wall Street Protests
With her announcement that she will seek the Green Party's nomination for President of the United States in 2012, Jill Stein ended months of speculation among third party political insiders, Green Par...
Commonalities between Green Party candidate Jill Stein, the Tea Party, and Ron Paul Republicans
Commonalities between Green Party candidate Jill Stein, the Tea Party, and Ron Paul Republicans
Green Party presidential candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, recently announced her bid for the White House in 2012, drawing attention to her outside-the-beltway views, equal and consistent criticism of both m...
New Green Party presidential candidate both a dream and a potential nightmare for liberal Democrats
New Green Party presidential candidate both a dream and a potential nightmare for liberal Democrats
For liberal Democrats disappointed in Barack Obama’s presidency, the Green New Deal that is the heart of Dr. Jill Stein’s newly minted Green Party presidential campaign must feel like a dream come tru...
Opposition to Romney more than just politics
Opposition to Romney more than just politics
What’s wrong with Mitt Romney?  The former Republican governor of Massachusetts has been winning his party’s debates hands down in the eyes of most critics, and he leads many of the polls.  ...
Ron Paul wins Values Voter Summit straw poll despite skepticism from Family Research Council president
Ron Paul wins Values Voter Summit straw poll despite skepticism from Family Research Council president
Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul may have handily won this weekend's Values Voter Summit straw poll over businessman Herman Cain in Washington DC, but that didn't stop the head of the F...
California's Tea Party voters chime in on presidential field ahead of state GOP convention
California's Tea Party voters chime in on presidential field ahead of state GOP convention
As the California GOP's fall convention is set to take place this weekend in Los Angeles, a Field Poll study finds big differences in the state's Republican voter preferences for President based on ho...
California moves America closer to national popular vote
California moves America closer to national popular vote
In a little-noticed move in late August, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation that would award all of California's electoral votes in presidential elections to whichever candidate wins the n...
Survey says: Three GOP hopefuls outpoll Obama among Independents
Survey says: Three GOP hopefuls outpoll Obama among Independents
Four contenders for the GOP's presidential nomination are polling competitively with President Obama among registered voters, according to a new poll.  How do potential Independent or third party...