
Search query: ohio

Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules
Romney, Ron Paul & RNC Rules
The blogosphere is in a flurry today on the heels of the Ron Paul campaign announcement. Concerning its future in states yet to hold Republican primary elections, it looks like Dr. Paul will not be po...
Swing States Crucial for Presidential Race
Swing States Crucial for Presidential Race
 One of the enduring oddities of the American political landscape remains the electoral college, the antiquated system that makes selective states disproportionately important to the election pro...
Farm Labor Shortage Looms
Farm Labor Shortage Looms
 When the nation's farmers started experiencing labor shortages last year they didn't know what to expect for the future; for many, the situation was without precedent. Early indicators for the 2...
Big Pharma's Direct to Consumer Advertising Corrupts America's Health Culture
Big Pharma's Direct to Consumer Advertising Corrupts America's Health Culture
In the last decade, the United States has seen a massive increase in prescription drug usage and abuse, the cause of which can be traced to irresponsible advertising and lobbying by pharmaceutical com...
House Approves Bill To Extend Student Loan Rates
House Approves Bill To Extend Student Loan Rates
 Today, the House voted 215 to 195 to pass a GOP proposed bill to extend the current student loan interest rate of 3.4%, instead of permitting the rate to double on July 1 to 6.8%.Backed by ...
Elections 2012: Interesting Independent Senate Candidates
Elections 2012: Interesting Independent Senate Candidates
The current approval rate for Congress hovers at an all-time low and the political makeup of the Senate chamber is a critically important aspect to this year's election cycle. Dissatisfaction over the...
The Price of Fracking: Earthquakes & Groundwater Contamination
The Price of Fracking: Earthquakes & Groundwater Contamination
 It is possible – even likely – that the fracking process to extract natural gas and oil from underground rock formations causes earthquakes. The facts are clear: in the geographical part of the ...
State of the GOP Race: On To Pennsylvania
State of the GOP Race: On To Pennsylvania
 Former Gov. Mitt Romney won handily in Wisconsin, Maryland and DC primaries on Tuesday. There are a couple conclusions born out of results in Wisconsin, in particular. As the primary race drags ...
Obama Leads With Independent Voters, Especially Women
Obama Leads With Independent Voters, Especially Women
A new USA Today/Gallup poll shows President Obama has a solid lead among independent voters in key swing states over presumptive Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Mitt Romney. He now polli...
Affordable Care Act & Women's Health: The End of Gender Rating?
Affordable Care Act & Women's Health: The End of Gender Rating?
[Update - US Department of Health and Human Services website is now healthcare.gov]The Affordable Care Act, before the Supreme Court this week, includes partial elimination for “gender rating”, a prac...