
Search query: iowa

What Hat Should I Wear: The Complicated Journey Of Today’s Voter
What Hat Should I Wear: The Complicated Journey Of Today’s Voter
Note: The author of this article is Emily Matthews. Emily has worked in a vast array of jobs in the political arena and strives to find common ground across party lines. As the one year anni...
Some U.S. Mayors Boycott Trump Meeting, Not San Diego's Kevin Faulconer
Some U.S. Mayors Boycott Trump Meeting, Not San Diego's Kevin Faulconer
Before the 2016 presidential election, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer had some choice words for then presidential candidate Donald Trump. In a May interview with the San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial...
OPINION: The Single-Payer Push Is Actually a Feminist Fight, Too
OPINION: The Single-Payer Push Is Actually a Feminist Fight, Too
With the second annual Women's March taking place this past weekend, feminists nationwide came forward to resist the Trump administration's actions against women.However, one obvious change that would...
The Great Border Security Myth Both Parties Keep Alive
The Great Border Security Myth Both Parties Keep Alive
In 2016, Donald Trump ignited the imaginations of a vocal and politically-potent-in-Republican-primaries minority of American voters with a promise to build a big beautiful Wall across our border with...
Vermont Governor Signs Historic Marijuana Legalization Bill
Vermont Governor Signs Historic Marijuana Legalization Bill
Vermont is the first state to legalize adults’ possession and limited cultivation of marijuana legislativelyMarijuana will be legal in nine states and the nation’s capital when Vermont law takes effec...
Broad Coalition of National Election Reform Groups Unite to Challenge Two-Party Duopoly
Broad Coalition of National Election Reform Groups Unite to Challenge Two-Party Duopoly
To focus the combined strengths, skills, and experience of some of the nation’s leading election reform organizations toward increasing voter participation and electoral competition, a prominent group...
Can We Shut Down the Two-Party System?
Can We Shut Down the Two-Party System?
Update: The Senate voted Monday to reopen the government, and extend funding until February 8, setting up yet another potential shutdown fight. The recent government shutdown is only the latest m...
Dear Senator Flake, Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Dear Senator Flake, Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) has made the headlines seemingly every week since his spat with President Trump back in 2017, and since then, it has been a war of words:https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/s...
Gerrymandering: Two Bullies vs. The Voters
Gerrymandering: Two Bullies vs. The Voters
All eyes in political reform circles are on the Wisconsin gerrymandering case (Gill v. Whitford) argued before the U.S. Supreme Court on October 3, 2017.The case was brought by a group of Democrats ch...
8 Common Sense Solutions to Immigration That Go Beyond Two-Party Politics
8 Common Sense Solutions to Immigration That Go Beyond Two-Party Politics
As with many issues today, the debate on immigration is mired in partisan opposition instead of pragmatism. At one time, nearly everyone agreed that illegal immigration was a problem, but now one side...