
Search query: washington

Human Rights Watch: U.S. Must Stop Separating Families At Border
Human Rights Watch: U.S. Must Stop Separating Families At Border
Human Rights Watch has condemned the U.S. policy of separating immigrant children from their parents, following a denouncement of the policy by the U.N. human rights office Tuesday.In a press briefing...
DC-Based Indie Voters are Legally Disenfranchised from City Council Primary
DC-Based Indie Voters are Legally Disenfranchised from City Council Primary
If a Washington, D.C. voter doesn't interface with a party - specifically the Democratic Party - an unelected board of elections can legally declare that citizen has no right to vote for a municipal c...
Obama Wonders If He Was "10 or 20 Years Too Early" for America
Obama Wonders If He Was "10 or 20 Years Too Early" for America
According to a new book by the 44th president's longtime adviser, Benjamin J. Rhodes, shortly after the 2016 elections, Obama wondered aloud to aides in an armed presidential limousine:“What if we wer...
What Is Universal Health Care?
What Is Universal Health Care?
America needs a fair, affordable and cost-effective health care system. Until recently, the terms “universal health care” and “single-payer health care” didn’t surface quite as much in our conversatio...
Independent Muscle: The Three June 5th Election Predictions You Won't Believe
Independent Muscle: The Three June 5th Election Predictions You Won't Believe
There is a significant amount of worry in left-leaning circles around the California nonpartisan primary on June 5.In moving the state of California to an even deeper shade of blue, the Sanctuary Stat...
Sole DC GOP Candidate: I Strongly Support Nonpartisan Open Primaries
Sole DC GOP Candidate: I Strongly Support Nonpartisan Open Primaries
On June 19, residents of the District of Columbia can vote in one of four party primaries: Democratic, Libertarian, DC Statehood Green, or Republican. The party with the fewest candidates in the prima...
Establishment Working Hard To Undo The Will of Italian Voters
Establishment Working Hard To Undo The Will of Italian Voters
By vetoing the appointment of 81-year-old Paolo Savona over the weekend, establishment Italian President Sergio Mattarella all but nullified the vote of the Italian people last March and removed ...
Independents Will Tip Key Races... Despite Being Ignored by Politicians
Independents Will Tip Key Races... Despite Being Ignored by Politicians
Election reform advocates have been scratching their heads over the failure of statewide candidates in California to tap into the rich vein of independent voters empowered by the nonpartisan top-two p...
Inside The DNC's Efforts To Make Sure It Doesn't Get Caught Again
Inside The DNC's Efforts To Make Sure It Doesn't Get Caught Again
That should be the title of a recent Fast Company article entitled, "How the DNC Is Trying To Prevent A Repeat Of 2016’s Hack.""The committee, along with organizations on both sides of the aisle, is f...
Generation "I": CO Candidate Says Millennials Will Dismantle Two-Party Duopoly
Generation "I": CO Candidate Says Millennials Will Dismantle Two-Party Duopoly
Peter Smith is an independent candidate running in Colorado State Senate District 32. He is the youngest candidate running for state office and would be the youngest member of the state legislature if...