
Search query: mississippi

Taxpayers Shouldn't Waste Millions on Elections No One Participates In
Taxpayers Shouldn't Waste Millions on Elections No One Participates In
On Tuesday, May 24, voters across the state of Texas were asked to return to the polls for several runoff elections. These runoffs--where the top two vote-getters from the primary election face o...
Why More Needs to be Done to Give Early Voters a Meaningful Vote
Why More Needs to be Done to Give Early Voters a Meaningful Vote
Zoom In: Frontrunners are full steam ahead in Acela PrimaryLast Tuesday, voters in the Acela Primary made their voices heard. Donald Trump swept the Republican primaries by large margins. In the ...
Civil Rights or Safety First: Understanding "Transgender" and the Bathroom Debate
Civil Rights or Safety First: Understanding "Transgender" and the Bathroom Debate
Faye Flam, who has written for Science Magazine and continues to write about science, mathematics, and medicine, recently explained in detail  a number of reasons why nature isn't ...
Coming Soon: Media May Project Election Winners Days before Voting
Coming Soon: Media May Project Election Winners Days before Voting
Ever since the Chicago Daily Tribune's iconic blunder of projecting Thomas Dewey as the victor in the 1948 election, polling has evolved into a more precise science, one so accurate that scoffers and ...
Vote Splitting in GOP Contest Continues to Wreak Havoc on Entire Process
Vote Splitting in GOP Contest Continues to Wreak Havoc on Entire Process
March 9th update: Donald Trump finished first in the Michigan primary, where candidates' percentages closely tracked the Monmouth poll -- Trump earning 37% of the Republican primary vote, Ted Cruz 25%...
GOP Donors, Leaders Reportedly See Contested Convention as Only Hope to Stop Trump
GOP Donors, Leaders Reportedly See Contested Convention as Only Hope to Stop Trump
Current primary results have reportedly led GOP leaders to consider a contested convention if Donald Trump falls short of the 1,237 delegates needed to qualify for the nomination.According to a report...
Does A Dwindling Rubio Campaign Mean an Uncertain Future for the GOP?
Does A Dwindling Rubio Campaign Mean an Uncertain Future for the GOP?
Following the weekend's primaries and the upcoming votes on Tuesday, many eyes remain fixed on a presidential candidate who has been highly touted, but has delivered few victories, leading to concerns...
5 Long-Overdue Changes We Need in American Government
5 Long-Overdue Changes We Need in American Government
If the 2016 presidential election is proving anything, it’s that voters are not happy with the state of their union.On the left and right, we’re seeing insurgents give establishment candidates a run f...
OPINION: The Irrationality of Iowa and N.H. Going First in Presidential Elections
OPINION: The Irrationality of Iowa and N.H. Going First in Presidential Elections
NPR and other media outlets have aired interviews with Iowans on why Iowa always gets to go first. Who goes second gets far less coverage, but the same logic presumably applies. If what some Iowans sa...
Mississippi Sec. of State Says Government Shouldn't Run Party Primaries
Mississippi Sec. of State Says Government Shouldn't Run Party Primaries
WDAM 7, a local station in southern Mississippi, reported on a new initiative Wednesday that would revamp the state's primary system. Initiative 57 seems to support a nonpartisan blanket pri...