
Search query: alabama

Independent Voters: We’re Not a Myth! And We Care!
Independent Voters: We’re Not a Myth! And We Care!
These days there’s a lot going on in the world of independent politics. More to the point, it’s now accurate to say that there is a “world” of independent politics.This is a recent development because...
Nonpartisan Open Primaries Coming to the Deep South?
Nonpartisan Open Primaries Coming to the Deep South?
The Alabama legislature will consider a bill that would change the state's primary election process to a nonpartisan, top-two open primary similar to the systems in California and Washington state.The...
Want to Change Politics? Get Involved in Local Elections
Want to Change Politics? Get Involved in Local Elections
This week on A Civil Assessment we welcome back both the award-winning election journalist and election fraud expert Lulu Friesdat and Florida Congressional candidate Tim Canova.These two discuss elec...
A New Countdown: Midterm Money Is Rolling In
A New Countdown: Midterm Money Is Rolling In
The countdown to 2018 has finished and Washington has snapped its head in the direction of another countdown: the mid-term elections in November.In just eleven months, the balance of power can be easi...
Now More Than Ever, We Need A Revolution of Unity
Now More Than Ever, We Need A Revolution of Unity
Whatever your views on the tax bill, Roy Moore vs. Doug Jones or the Trump presidency, the last few weeks should trouble you if you love our country.Partisan pundits from each of the two warring facti...
High-Stakes Virginia Election to be Decided by Name Drawing
High-Stakes Virginia Election to be Decided by Name Drawing
It’s been a dramatic week in the race to fill the 94th District seat in Virginia’s House of Delegates. After the initial tabulation from the Nov. 7 election, incumbent David Yancy (R) led challenger S...
Forget Nasty Tweets, Here Are 5 News Stories That Deserve Your Attention
Forget Nasty Tweets, Here Are 5 News Stories That Deserve Your Attention
Read our centrist recap for the week below. We shine a light on the spin and useless stories from the Left and Right and detail what you should focus on, before people can pull wool over your eyes.Wha...
Founding Fathers Would Have Been Disgusted by Alabama Senate Race
Founding Fathers Would Have Been Disgusted by Alabama Senate Race
I am really, really glad I wasn’t an Alabama voter last Tuesday.The choices: A Democratic candidate who, though apparently a decent fellow, can be expected to largely vote the big government, big spen...
What Everyone Seemed to Miss About the Alabama Senate Race
What Everyone Seemed to Miss About the Alabama Senate Race
Many people woke up this morning to the news that Democrat Doug Jones won the special election for US Senate in Alabama. Jones won with 49.9 percent of the vote, while Moore took 48.38 percent. The wr...
Dying Parties, (Very) Bad Behavior, and It’s Still a Happy New Year
Dying Parties, (Very) Bad Behavior, and It’s Still a Happy New Year
Some days I turn on the TV to catch a few segments of “Morning Joe,” the morning political talk show on MSNBC.  I tuned in last week for a roundtable discussion of a new poll done by Harvard’s In...