
Search query: new jersey

Mitt Romney's Vice Presidential Selection: Finding A Balance
Mitt Romney's Vice Presidential Selection: Finding A Balance
The hardest part for a candidate when selecting their vice presidential candidate is finding the right balance. You want to select someone who adds new demographics of supporters and increases yo...
Elections 2012: Interesting Independent Senate Candidates
Elections 2012: Interesting Independent Senate Candidates
The current approval rate for Congress hovers at an all-time low and the political makeup of the Senate chamber is a critically important aspect to this year's election cycle. Dissatisfaction over the...
Santorum's Out, But Delegates Still Focus of GOP Primary
Santorum's Out, But Delegates Still Focus of GOP Primary
Senator Santorum suspended his campaign today, leaving Governor Romney as the likely Republican Party nominee with Speaker Gingrich and Dr. Ron Paul trailing, but still in the race. This is a fortuito...
Top Dark Horse Candidates for a Brokered Convention
Top Dark Horse Candidates for a Brokered Convention
The Republican primary race stretches on. None of the current candidates appear willing to drop out. At the same time, none of the candidates appear on track to accrue the 1,144 delegates needed to se...
Hacking the Polls: Vulnerability in Electronic Voting Systems
Hacking the Polls: Vulnerability in Electronic Voting Systems
Among those who advocate for the “modernization” of our voting systems, internet-based electronic voting and registration platforms are often offered as an ideal solution to the problems inherent in o...
Presidential Election 2012 Update: Glitter-Bombed
Presidential Election 2012 Update: Glitter-Bombed
"Romney was the latest target Tuesday night in Denver, when a man tried to toss what appeared to be blue glitter on the former Massachusetts governor as he shook hands with supporters after delivering...
How many Independent candidates will the GOP primary yield?
How many Independent candidates will the GOP primary yield?
The Republican Party's presidential primary race may prove to be a breeding ground for third party and Independent presidential candidates in the 2012 election.  There are no less than four curre...
The ignominy! New Jersey commercial solar tops California
The ignominy! New Jersey commercial solar tops California
The Solar Energy Industries Association has just rained on California's renewable energy photo voltaic (PV) parade with the distressing news (PDF) that New Jersey's commercial PV projects now exceed C...
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
The average age of farmers and ranchers in America is increasing, and rural populations are in decline. This is why the U.S. Department of Agriculture is acting to plant a new crop of much needed agri...
California moves America closer to national popular vote
California moves America closer to national popular vote
In a little-noticed move in late August, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation that would award all of California's electoral votes in presidential elections to whichever candidate wins the n...