
Search query: iowa

When Voter Registration Becomes A Barrier to Voting
When Voter Registration Becomes A Barrier to Voting
Earlier this year, Utah and Washington quietly joined 14 other states that have eliminated the use of registration deadlines as a final cutoff to be able to vote. The congruent actions of a red s...
Santa Barbara: HIV? No Problem! Plastic Straw? Felony.
Santa Barbara: HIV? No Problem! Plastic Straw? Felony.
Santa Barbara, CA. - The City of Santa Barbara has passed an ordinance that allows restaurant employees to be punished with up to six months of jail time or a $1,000 fine for giving plastic ...
Donald Trump, Iranian President Rattle Sabers Over Twitter
Donald Trump, Iranian President Rattle Sabers Over Twitter
It started with a speech on Sunday, in which Iranian president Hassan Rouhani sent a warning to the United States about pursuing a foreign policy hostile toward his government in Tehran, but to Donald...
Could Ranked Choice Voting Help Save the Parties from Themselves?
Could Ranked Choice Voting Help Save the Parties from Themselves?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwyVJ_-q0mE&feature=youtu.beVideo Source: Rebel HQWhen it comes to electoral reform right now, there is no hotter topic -- arguably -- than ranked choice voting (RC...
Why Can't The Media See Independent Voters?
Why Can't The Media See Independent Voters?
Nearing the two year mark since the shocking 2016 presidential election result devastated both the Democratic and Republican Party power structures, liberal mainstream media journalists are still stuc...
I Miss Anthony Kennedy Already
I Miss Anthony Kennedy Already
I miss Anthony Kennedy already. Other people have written eloquently about Kennedy’s contributions to the Supreme Court. After the retirement of Sandra Day O’Connor (whom I miss, too), Kennedy became ...
The State That Defied America's Archaic Electoral Politics with a New Voting System
The State That Defied America's Archaic Electoral Politics with a New Voting System
Democracy advocates recently celebrated a victory in Maine, where voters used ranked-choice voting in their statewide primaries — the first state ever to do so. In that election, voters also approved ...
There's A Reason It's Called the 'Declaration of Independence'
There's A Reason It's Called the 'Declaration of Independence'
RANCHO SANTA FE, CALIF. – While small town parades, backyard barbecues and fireworks displays may be what many people associate with the 4th of July, Independence Day deserves far greater respect. Fif...
76 Reasons I'm Lucky to Be An American
76 Reasons I'm Lucky to Be An American
Being born in America is like winning the lottery of life.Being able-bodied and able-minded on top of that, in good health and of average or better intelligence, is just a big 'ole cherry right on top...
Creating a Fairer Voting System: It’s Time to Take Vote Splitting Seriously
Creating a Fairer Voting System: It’s Time to Take Vote Splitting Seriously
Americans deserve a fair voting systemIf you’re like many Americans, you’ve never heard of vote splitting, yet it exerts an underlying force on American elections that has the potential to change...