
Search query: arizona

Homelessness, PTSD, and Drug Abuse: The Government is Failing Our Veterans
Homelessness, PTSD, and Drug Abuse: The Government is Failing Our Veterans
It's no secret that the nation's veterans are facing some serious challenges. A new film, premiering on Veterans Day, takes a look at issues facing the country's returning service members, as well as ...
The Next Three States That Will Legalize Recreational Marijuana
The Next Three States That Will Legalize Recreational Marijuana
Marijuana legalization activists gained considerable momentum this week. On Tuesday, the city of Portland, Maine, passed Question 1: 67 percent to 33 percent.The measure legalized possession of up to...
Tuition Increases by 2.9% in 2013; Lowest Increase in 30 Years
Tuition Increases by 2.9% in 2013; Lowest Increase in 30 Years
  Concerns about rising tuition and how students can afford to finance their major investments in post-secondary education are widespread. Solid insights into these questions require accurat...
Oregon Proposal Advocates Nonpartisan Primary System, With a Twist
Oregon Proposal Advocates Nonpartisan Primary System, With a Twist
The American electoral system is highly dysfunctional. One of its most basic problems is that districts and states often have lopsided partisan preferences, meaning that general elections between the...
Multi-Member Districts in NH a National Model for Equal Gender Representation
Multi-Member Districts in NH a National Model for Equal Gender Representation
Zack Frank / shutterstock.comNew Hampshire proves to be one of the more innovative states in its electoral process.In its House of Representatives, districts are allotted a number of representatives ...
Boehner Rule Holds up Immigration Reform as Frustration Builds
Boehner Rule Holds up Immigration Reform as Frustration Builds
Katherine Welles / Shutterstock.comIt seems like it was just yesterday President Obama won re-election helped in no small part by one of the widest margins of victories ever among Latino voters. Soon...
Do Independent Voters Need More Independent Candidates?
Do Independent Voters Need More Independent Candidates?
Demand, meet SupplyAmidst some disenchantment with both major political parties, the chart above shows, when looking across the 50 states, the share of votes earned by candidates that were not either ...
Nonprofit Organizations Significantly Increase Voter Turnout
Nonprofit Organizations Significantly Increase Voter Turnout
Nonprofit VOTE examined the impact of nonprofit organizations on voter behavior within seven states in an August 2013 study. It found that those contacted by a nonprofit organization -- in regards to ...
North Carolina Party Leaders to Defend Controversial Voting Laws in Court
North Carolina Party Leaders to Defend Controversial Voting Laws in Court
The partisan battles in North Carolina are extending their reach into the court system.Over the past year, the Republican controlled legislature, aided by a Republican governor, Pat McCrory, enacted a...
Support for Political Parties in Arizona Continues to Drop
Support for Political Parties in Arizona Continues to Drop
In 2012, Arizona took up an initiative, Proposition 121, to change the electoral system in the state to a nonpartisan, top-two primary system similar to California and Washington state. Currently, Ari...