
Search query: north carolina

USDA announces beginning farmer awards
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
The average age of farmers and ranchers in America is increasing, and rural populations are in decline. This is why the U.S. Department of Agriculture is acting to plant a new crop of much needed agri...
Bank of America and the $5 Revolution
Bank of America and the $5 Revolution
Bank of America may have tipped the scales toward a true movement of independence in 21st century America.  By announcing that it would charge $5 per month for use of a debit card beginning early...
Under financial pressure, UC Davis takes bold step to become 'private' University
Under financial pressure, UC Davis takes bold step to become 'private' University
UC Davis has come up with an answer to the crushing budget reductions that the State of California has thrown its way:  become a private university.  While that’s not exactly what University...
'Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars': interview with Sylvia Longmire
'Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars': interview with Sylvia Longmire
Sylvia Longmire's new book Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars has just been released and is available in bookstores today. She is a retired Air Force captain and Special Agent with exte...
Summer of Discontent: Independents speak out
Summer of Discontent: Independents speak out
In the wake of the debt ceiling crisis, there has been an astonishing wave of criticism directed at the two-party state and duopoly system of government.  For many Americans, the debt debacle app...
 More than just a grocery store is needed to fight obesity
More than just a grocery store is needed to fight obesity
For those looking for a silver bullet to fight obesity, you will have to keep looking. A study released by the University of North Carolina found that among people living in “food deserts,” the avail...
California places 48th in national freedom index
California places 48th in national freedom index
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University has published an update and a revision of a 2007 study entitled “Freedom in the 50 States: An Index of Personal and Economic Freedom”. The report analyze...
Ron Paul has another million dollar day
Ron Paul has another million dollar day
In a challenge to Mitt Romney, the Republican Party's frontrunner for the presidential nomination, Texas Congressman Ron Paul raised another million dollars in just 24 hours Sunday, using the online f...
Will the Tea Party change anything?
Will the Tea Party change anything?
 "I think it's eerily like 1994. Not much will change." That's what Rich Hamblen told me about the 2010 midterm elections on our way to a political conference sponsored by the Los Angeles-based T...
Historic year for Third Party and Independent movements in the United States
Historic year for Third Party and Independent movements in the United States
Though the mainstream political press has naturally focused on the stinging Democratic losses and sweeping Republican gains in last week's elections, 2010 has proven to be an historic year for thir...