
Search query: new hampshire

Ron Paul well-positioned to win Iowa Caucuses
Ron Paul well-positioned to win Iowa Caucuses
Tuesday's Bloomberg News Poll of likely voters revealed more than Ron Paul's first place tie with three other GOP contenders for the upcoming 2012 Iowa Caucuses.  It showed just how strong Paul's...
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
USDA announces beginning farmer awards
The average age of farmers and ranchers in America is increasing, and rural populations are in decline. This is why the U.S. Department of Agriculture is acting to plant a new crop of much needed agri...
Ron Paul turns his attention to California ahead of state GOP convention and straw poll
Ron Paul turns his attention to California ahead of state GOP convention and straw poll
After taking first earlier this year at the California GOP's spring convention, Ron Paul is hoping for a repeat performance by attending the California GOP's three-day September convention in Los Ange...
Young Turks host defends Ron Paul from Bill O'Reilly
Young Turks host defends Ron Paul from Bill O'Reilly
As the "mainstream media" has taken heat for not giving enough coverage to presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul, a valid assertion backed by the numbers, progressive talk show host Cenk Uygur defended...
California places 48th in national freedom index
California places 48th in national freedom index
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University has published an update and a revision of a 2007 study entitled “Freedom in the 50 States: An Index of Personal and Economic Freedom”. The report analyze...
AP's slanted analysis glosses over Independent voters
AP's slanted analysis glosses over Independent voters
Although the latest piece from the Associated Press attempts to throw at least a bone of coverage to Independent voters with the 2012 election coming up, it is riddled with superficial analysis and ev...
The Tea Party and the "TeoCons"
The Tea Party and the "TeoCons"
Among the greatest concerns Tea Party leaders have voiced is the possibility that their movement could be co-opted by "the establishment" in Washington.  Among the strongest criticisms of the Tea...
Ron Paul to launch 2012 presidential campaign
Ron Paul to launch 2012 presidential campaign
Today in Iowa, twelve-term Congressman and 2008 presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-TX) will be announcing the creation of a presidential exploratory committee for the Republican Party's nomination in ...
Ron Paul's Liberty PAC raises over $700K in one day
Ron Paul's Liberty PAC raises over $700K in one day
"The revolution is alive and well." That's what The Politico reporter Andy Barr wrote this Tuesday in his article summarizing the extraordinary fundraising feat Congressman Ron Paul's supporters pulle...
Food stamp usage continues to climb
Food stamp usage continues to climb
Perhaps the most damning evidence of a false economic recovery is the sustained rise in food stamp usage across the country. Unemployment numbers can be groomed and refined, the Consumer Price Index c...