
Search query: indiana

The Shortlist: 4 Contenders to Take on Trump in 2020
The Shortlist: 4 Contenders to Take on Trump in 2020
We are just over two years away from the election night 2020, and we are now around the time where campaign teams are beginning to form, and front-runners are beginning to emerge. President Donald Tru...
Looking Ahead: The Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing Begins
Looking Ahead: The Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing Begins
Washington, D.C.- On Tuesday the Senate confirmation hearing begins for Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s pick for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. If confirmed, Kavanaugh would tip the balanc...
When Voter Registration Becomes A Barrier to Voting
When Voter Registration Becomes A Barrier to Voting
Earlier this year, Utah and Washington quietly joined 14 other states that have eliminated the use of registration deadlines as a final cutoff to be able to vote. The congruent actions of a red s...
76 Reasons I'm Lucky to Be An American
76 Reasons I'm Lucky to Be An American
Being born in America is like winning the lottery of life.Being able-bodied and able-minded on top of that, in good health and of average or better intelligence, is just a big 'ole cherry right on top...
Reaction: Maxine Waters, Political Privilege and Midterms
Reaction: Maxine Waters, Political Privilege and Midterms
Maxine Waters has lost the plot. She has enjoyed the life of the privileged political class for twenty-eight years and has just been caught out. However illuminating her call for harassment may be, Ma...
Fox News North Korea Hypocrisy Caught on Tape
Fox News North Korea Hypocrisy Caught on Tape
The Fox News North Korea hypocrisy video is making its rounds on the Internet this week after Now This dug up footage of Fox News anchors and analysts slamming Barack Obama for expressing his willingn...
Maine Voters Lift Up Democracy; Democratic Party Pulls It Down
Maine Voters Lift Up Democracy; Democratic Party Pulls It Down
A wise man once said, “Those who make the rules, rule.” Today, we wonder whether the current rules of voting and governing can deliver any kind of progress.An important rules question was on the ballo...
The Soul of American Democracy: Lessons from the Royal Wedding
The Soul of American Democracy: Lessons from the Royal Wedding
As a primary care doctor in Harlem, I see the impact of social conditions such as poverty, lead paint poisoning, and asthma-causing mold in public housing, as well as the emotional trauma that accompa...
May Was A Monumental Month for Independents
May Was A Monumental Month for Independents
It’s been a while! However, no matter how little we’ve written about independent candidates and organizations over the past month, actions continue to be taken by those who look to change the two...
Green Energy: The Future is Now
Green Energy: The Future is Now
As the Green Party candidate for Congress in upstate NY District 21, when I describe the threats of global warming and the urgent need for an electric grid and national economy based on clean, renewab...