
Search query: virginia

Looking to the Founders: The Vote of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Looking to the Founders: The Vote of the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
It seems almost crazy to bring up an Aesop's fable in a series about the Founding Father's legacy to America -- but the fable of The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse really exemplifies many of th...
PBS Educates Voters Nationwide on Restrictive Voting Laws with 'Ballot Watch'
PBS Educates Voters Nationwide on Restrictive Voting Laws with 'Ballot Watch'
The 2014 midterm elections are less than a month away and the GOP is poised to seize a majority in the Senate, though that would require winning some close races. Some are expected to come down to jus...
Gay Marriage Rights Extended in 5 States after SCOTUS Rejects Appeals
Gay Marriage Rights Extended in 5 States after SCOTUS Rejects Appeals
The Associated Press reports that the Supreme Court on Monday rejected to hear the appeals of 5 states in an effort to keep their bans on same-sex marriage. Marriage rights will immediately ...
Where Do Veterans Turn When They Have Nowhere to Go?
Where Do Veterans Turn When They Have Nowhere to Go?
As we wrap up Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month, and as the VA health care problems linger on, it has become tragically apparent that more and more veterans are feeling like they have nowhere to ...
Looking to the Founders: Government Shouldn't Profit from Crime
Looking to the Founders: Government Shouldn't Profit from Crime
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." - Declaration of ...
To Fix The Economy, We Need to Treat the Disease -- Not The Symptoms
To Fix The Economy, We Need to Treat the Disease -- Not The Symptoms
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation , then by deflation , the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the peo...
Looking to the Founders: Don't Be Scared of the Boogeyman
Looking to the Founders: Don't Be Scared of the Boogeyman
In almost every political argument, there comes a point where it devolves into a common theme: "If you'd just read the Federalist Papers, you'd agree with my position..." I've heard this dozens of tim...
IVN Daily Digest -- August 12, 2014
IVN Daily Digest -- August 12, 2014
1. Albuquerque Journal says open primaries are something Democrats and Republicans can agree on."More than one in five voters in New Mexico declined to state a party when registering to vote. About 38...
The CIA: A Radical Bureaucracy Requires Radical Reform
The CIA: A Radical Bureaucracy Requires Radical Reform
This was 23-year-old Khadija al-Saadi on Gawker Wednesday: “[A flight] landed at Mitiga military airport in Libya just over a decade ago. [It] was organized by the CIA and MI6. On board were a fa...
Evidence Suggest No Correlation between Business Experience and Good Governing
Evidence Suggest No Correlation between Business Experience and Good Governing
How many times have we heard variations of the following soundbites from enterprising political candidates: “My business experience has prepared me to be an effective leader.” “Because of my business ...