
Search query: virginia

The Next President Can't Win Without the Youth Vote in 2016
The Next President Can't Win Without the Youth Vote in 2016
Polls suggest young voters’ preferences, in regards to both candidates and policies, have become more socially liberal in the past 15 years.Millennials: The Politically Unclaimed Generation, a report ...
Satire and Mockery in a Free Society
Satire and Mockery in a Free Society
Malice never was his aim, He lash'd the vice but spar'd the name. No individual could resent, Where thousands equally were meant. His satyr points at no defect, But what all mortals may correct; For ...
Most Memorable Political Bloopers of 2014
Most Memorable Political Bloopers of 2014
As expected of every election season, political gaffes were bound to happen. Gaffes have been associated with campaign exhaustion, an unsuccessful attempt at humor, or a lack of emotional discipline. ...
Our Enemies’ Agenda of Anarchy
Our Enemies’ Agenda of Anarchy
“Anarchy—shall I say, is the worst of all governments? No: Anarchy is the absence of all government; it is the antipodes of order; it is the acme of confusion; it is the result of unbridled license, ...
The Case For Traditional Party Primaries
The Case For Traditional Party Primaries
Primaries, despite all appearances, are actually necessary as vehicles of Democracy. Most readers of IVN have a general idea of what primaries are and how they function. However, I would argue th...
Ron Paul: Power May Shift in Washington, But The Philosophy Stays The Same
Ron Paul: Power May Shift in Washington, But The Philosophy Stays The Same
On Sunday, November 9, former congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) published a post on The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity's website, discussing the political ramifications of the 2014 mi...
Looking to the Founders: Congressional Residency
Looking to the Founders: Congressional Residency
"No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that Stat...
5 Key Issues The Lame Duck Congress Needs to Resolve in Final Two Months
5 Key Issues The Lame Duck Congress Needs to Resolve in Final Two Months
No one party is going to hold the majority for long. For all the rhetoric from the vice president, by the end of Election Day, the results were not that surprising. The Democrats were not going to kee...
The Fight for the Senate: Who Will Win Control?
The Fight for the Senate: Who Will Win Control?
The main talk of the 2014 election has been which political party will control the Senate after the votes have been counted. Democrats have been on defense throughout most of the country as President ...
In The End, Low Voter Turnout Comes Down to Competitiveness in Elections
In The End, Low Voter Turnout Comes Down to Competitiveness in Elections
No matter what political ideology a voter identifies with, every single election comes down to one thing: voter turnout. If voters don't go to the polls to cast ballots, their party affiliation, or la...