
Search query: kansas

Voter Suppression, By the Numbers
Voter Suppression, By the Numbers
This election, an estimated five million eligible voters will be disenfranchised from the political process due to new voter identification laws. These de-facto voter suppression laws not only make it...
Presidential Campaign Fundraising Haul: $177.1 Million in June
Presidential Campaign Fundraising Haul: $177.1 Million in June
On track to be the most expensive election in U.S. history, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama raked in a total of $177.1 million in fundraising cash, making June the...
It's Arguably Never Been Safer to Be a Police Officer Despite Claims to the Contrary
It's Arguably Never Been Safer to Be a Police Officer Despite Claims to the Contrary
Back in April, The New York Times ran an article purporting what they considered to be a disturbing new trend of increases in the number of police officers being killed. The article points out how 72 ...
Larry Lucchino & Camden Yards
Larry Lucchino & Camden Yards
On April 6, 1992, the first major league game was played at Oriole Park at Camden Yards, ushering in a new era for Baltimore and its beloved O’s. From the day it opened through Sunday’s game with the ...
American Wind Power Industry Needs Smarter Subsidies
American Wind Power Industry Needs Smarter Subsidies
The Washington Post has called on lawmakers to put innovation at the center of federal policies supporting wind power, in the latest endorsement of the findings in "Beyond Boom and Bust," a report by ...
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul \Looking for a Platform Fight\
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul \Looking for a Platform Fight\
In light of former Senator Rick Santorum's recent comments on ABC's This Week, it is clear GOP social conservatives are becoming increasingly worried about the presence, and power, of Dr. Ron Paul at ...
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul "Looking for a Platform Fight"
Rick Santorum: Ron Paul "Looking for a Platform Fight"
In light of former Senator Rick Santorum's recent comments on ABC's This Week, it is clear GOP social conservatives are becoming increasingly worried about the presence, and power, of Dr. Ron Paul at ...
Rejoice, Young Kansans! Happy Hour Returns!
Rejoice, Young Kansans! Happy Hour Returns!
As Pitch reports:"A series of new liquor laws signed by Gov. Sam Brownback go into effect July 1, among them a new happy-hour provision that allows for drink specials that don't have to be offered for...
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend: 'The Spirit of America: Promise & Reality'
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend: 'The Spirit of America: Promise & Reality'
The following speech was addressed on May 9, 2012 to the Denver Forum by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend."It’s great to be with you and I am delighted my good friend George Mitrovich asked me to speak to Th...
Labor Rule Reversal Praised by Agricultural Stakeholders
Labor Rule Reversal Praised by Agricultural Stakeholders
 Directed by the Obama Administration to abandon a proposed change to its regulatory code, the Labor Department has announced that it will not enforce new rules designed to limit the type of work...