
Search query: indiana

Affordable Care Act & Women's Health: The End of Gender Rating?
Affordable Care Act & Women's Health: The End of Gender Rating?
[Update - US Department of Health and Human Services website is now healthcare.gov]The Affordable Care Act, before the Supreme Court this week, includes partial elimination for “gender rating”, a prac...
Tribal Land Hamstrung on Developing Energy Projects
Tribal Land Hamstrung on Developing Energy Projects
The 2005 Energy Policy Act was supposed to streamline the process for tribes to get permits for oil and gas drilling on their land and for renewable energy projects as well. Instead, it had the unfort...
Commerce Clause at Heart of 'Obamacare' Decision
Commerce Clause at Heart of 'Obamacare' Decision
What do a wheat crop, a Southern motel, homegrown marijuana and health insurance have in common? Plenty, say advocates for the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act (ACA). At least, as far as the...
Supreme Court Hearings on Health Care Reform Kick Off
Supreme Court Hearings on Health Care Reform Kick Off
The US Supreme Court will hold hearings this week on a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obama’s health care plan. The lawsuit was filed by twenty six states, four small business owners, an...
Political Unrest & Environmental Uncertainty in Maldives
Political Unrest & Environmental Uncertainty in Maldives
New Maldivian President, Mohamed Waheed was blocked from entering the capital on Thursday by angry supporters of former President Mohamed Nasheed who resigned from power last month. Mr. Nasheed h...
Ron Paul Could Lead in Delegate Count
Ron Paul Could Lead in Delegate Count
As we noted last week, GOP delegate process is far more complicated than the mainstream media leads people to believe. The primary process is not always as simple as winning the most votes and therefo...
Presidential Election 2012 Update: Weekend Report
Presidential Election 2012 Update: Weekend Report
It was a big weekend for both Republicans and Democrats, with conservatives flocking to Washington for the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and Democrats making their way to San Diego f...
Presidential Election 2012 Update: Glitter-Bombed
Presidential Election 2012 Update: Glitter-Bombed
"Romney was the latest target Tuesday night in Denver, when a man tried to toss what appeared to be blue glitter on the former Massachusetts governor as he shook hands with supporters after delivering...
Presidential Election 2012 Update: Weekend Round-Up
Presidential Election 2012 Update: Weekend Round-Up
With 100 percent of the precincts reporting, Mitt Romney came in first in the Nevada primary, receiving just over 50 percent of the vote. The rest of the candidates struggled to keep up with Romney, w...
Canadian Tar Sands
Canadian Tar Sands
The Canadian Tar Sands have become a hot topic on the campaign trail this year especially since President Obama rejected the proposed Keystone Oil Pipeline extension.  Yes, I said extension becau...