
Search query: missouri

Swing States Crucial for Presidential Race
Swing States Crucial for Presidential Race
 One of the enduring oddities of the American political landscape remains the electoral college, the antiquated system that makes selective states disproportionately important to the election pro...
Looking Towards Tampa: Ron Paul's Delegate Strategy
Looking Towards Tampa: Ron Paul's Delegate Strategy
continued his march this week to the Republican nomination in Tampa. However, as has been noted repeatedly throughout the process, he is a very weak nominee. There also continues to be a substantial ...
How Secure is Mitt Romney?
How Secure is Mitt Romney?
Independent Voter Network has been keeping a close eye on developments in the  GOP Primary for months. Based on Senator Santorum’s “suspension” of his campaign this week, we brought you a specifi...
Affordable Care Act & Women's Health: The End of Gender Rating?
Affordable Care Act & Women's Health: The End of Gender Rating?
[Update - US Department of Health and Human Services website is now healthcare.gov]The Affordable Care Act, before the Supreme Court this week, includes partial elimination for “gender rating”, a prac...
Rule Changes, Unenthusiastic Romney Supporters Prolong GOP Race
Rule Changes, Unenthusiastic Romney Supporters Prolong GOP Race
 Despite the efforts of the Romney campaign and media treatment of the Republican nominating process as all but wrapped up in his favor, the reality is the GOP race continues on for several reaso...
Close race in the South for GOP Presidential Candidates
Close race in the South for GOP Presidential Candidates
Today the GOP Presidential Candidates head to the South for a pair of highly contested primaries in Alabama and Mississippi. In what has become an increasingly close race, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santo...
Aftermath of Super Tuesday Split Decision
Aftermath of Super Tuesday Split Decision
Republicans held their Super Tuesday election contests earlier this week and despite media build-up, it was a decidedly split decision. As IVN reported earlier, this split means the Republican primary...
Obama & Paul: Candidates Too 'Casual' About War
Obama & Paul: Candidates Too 'Casual' About War
At a time in the presidential election cycle when Republican candidates traditionally draw stark distinctions between themselves and their Democratic rivals, Ron Paul is following a different tactic b...
Republican Primary: Spotlight on Delegate Count
Republican Primary: Spotlight on Delegate Count
While most Republicans, according to recent polls, are adamantly opposed to a brokered convention, given the new party nominating rules it is highly unlikely that the primary process will be wrapped u...
Obama's election year budget draws bipartisan ire
Obama's election year budget draws bipartisan ire
Amid the heated rhetoric of a presidential election year, President Barack Obama's latest federal budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2013 (which starts on October 1, 2012) is already eliciting strong rea...