
Search query: pennsylvania

The Next President Can't Win Without the Youth Vote in 2016
The Next President Can't Win Without the Youth Vote in 2016
Polls suggest young voters’ preferences, in regards to both candidates and policies, have become more socially liberal in the past 15 years.Millennials: The Politically Unclaimed Generation, a report ...
Looking to the Founders: The Copper Panic and The Gold Standard Debate
Looking to the Founders: The Copper Panic and The Gold Standard Debate
No State shall . . . coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts... --U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 10July 1789George Washington...
Looking to the Founders: Is Common Core Common Sense?
Looking to the Founders: Is Common Core Common Sense?
When looking to the Founders on the topic of education, probably the finest example to turn to is Noah Webster.Often called the "Father of American Scholarship and Education," his primers were used fo...
5 Governor's Races That Are Turning Out Independent Voters
5 Governor's Races That Are Turning Out Independent Voters
The second-term midterm is notorious for causing trouble for the party in the White House. As election coverage continues on Election Day, the term “within the margin of error” is being heard mor...
5 Issues That Will Define The Final Weeks of the Midterm Elections
5 Issues That Will Define The Final Weeks of the Midterm Elections
With the weeks closing in on the 2014 midterms, polls are tightening up, candidates are attempting to attract undecided voters, and specific issues are capturing headlines. Gone are the days that...
Win or Lose, Independent Jim Jenkins Will Shake Up Nebraska Politics
Win or Lose, Independent Jim Jenkins Will Shake Up Nebraska Politics
Jim Jenkins, an independent candidate for U.S. Senate in Nebraska, passed a major hurdle recently by qualifying for the ballot in the November election. If successful, he would be the first indep...
To Fix The Economy, We Need to Treat the Disease -- Not The Symptoms
To Fix The Economy, We Need to Treat the Disease -- Not The Symptoms
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation , then by deflation , the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the peo...
10 Little Known Facts about the U.S. Constitution
10 Little Known Facts about the U.S. Constitution
September 17 marks the signing of the U.S. Constitution and the national celebration of a living document that shapes the destiny of every U.S. citizen.Every American ought to be aware of the provisio...
While Congressional Approval Remains at Historic Lows, Millions Remain Locked Out of Primaries
While Congressional Approval Remains at Historic Lows, Millions Remain Locked Out of Primaries
According to RealClearPolitics, approximately 13.4 percent of Americans approve of Congress and 77.8 percent disapprove, taking the average of 6 major surveys on congressional approval.Congress’ under...
Media Treats Romney as Top 2016 Contender after 60 People Said They'd Vote for Him
Media Treats Romney as Top 2016 Contender after 60 People Said They'd Vote for Him
On Thursday, August 28, Politico reported on a new USA Today/Suffolk University poll that said 35 percent of likely GOP caucus voters would vote for Mitt Romney in 2016 if he was added to the field of...