
Search query: colorado

America Is Clearly Ready to Legalize Marijuana
America Is Clearly Ready to Legalize Marijuana
The Washington Post reported Wednesday that voters in 5 states are leaning toward legalizing marijuana for recreational use. Another big year for pro-legalization advocates could put pressure on the f...
Nate Silver Confirms: Johnson Could Still Upset the Election
Nate Silver Confirms: Johnson Could Still Upset the Election
A vote for Governor Gary Johnson has been described by both sides as a wasted vote, a protest vote, and a vote that will elect the candidate you fear the most. This oversimplification of our political...
Tired of Political Status Quo, Two-Party Duopoly Fuels Voter Apathy
Tired of Political Status Quo, Two-Party Duopoly Fuels Voter Apathy
The 2016 Presidential election has been dubbed by many as a choice between “the lesser of two evils” and many voters are so disenchanted with the entire process that they are threatening to sit out th...
To Send a Real Message to the Two Parties, Join a Third Party Now
To Send a Real Message to the Two Parties, Join a Third Party Now
Understandably, readers of the IVN pride themselves on their status as… well… independent voters. Voters are jettisoning the Democratic and Republican Parties faster than you can say “record high unfa...
The Most Effective Political Action You Can Take This November Has Nothing To Do With POTUS Race
The Most Effective Political Action You Can Take This November Has Nothing To Do With POTUS Race
Presidential politics has taken center stage this election year, for good reason. But if you're interested in making a political impact, you may be focusing on the wrong race.The truth is, when you vo...
Schwarzenegger: U.S. Politics Needs an Open Conversation, Not a Closed One
Schwarzenegger: U.S. Politics Needs an Open Conversation, Not a Closed One
Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced Friday that he supports Governors Gary Johnson and Bill Weld appearing in the presidential debates for the same reason he supported nonp...
Gary Johnson: The Founding Fathers Were Right... The Two-Party Duopoly Has Failed
Gary Johnson: The Founding Fathers Were Right... The Two-Party Duopoly Has Failed
In an op-ed published in the Washington Post, Gary Johnson says Founding Fathers like James Madison and George Washington were right... a political system dominated by two parties was doomed to f...
The Transpartisan, Grassroots Movement to Overturn Citizens United is Gaining Serious Momentum
The Transpartisan, Grassroots Movement to Overturn Citizens United is Gaining Serious Momentum
In recent years, there have been several top-down attempts to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United. That decision, made in 2010, birthed legal entities known as super PAC...
Colorado Governor: Independents Pay for Primaries; They Should Get a Vote
Colorado Governor: Independents Pay for Primaries; They Should Get a Vote
In an interview for Colorado Public Radio, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper said he supports most of the state initiatives that will appear on the November ballot, including two initiatives th...
Colorado Debate Sponsor Says Minor Party Candidate Missed Senate Debate by 0.023%
Colorado Debate Sponsor Says Minor Party Candidate Missed Senate Debate by 0.023%
The Commission on Presidential Debates has suggested that they will give Gary Johnson or Jill Stein "an inch" if they get close enough to the required 15 percent polling threshold to be included in th...